Great Canadian Mo Winners
Great Canadian Mo WinnersImage by: Movember
Great Canadian Mo Winners
29 November 2021

Great Canadian Mo Winners

5 minutes read time

You came, you saw, you Mo’d.

Our search for the Great Canadian Mo is now finished and the submissions have been stellar. Thank you to all of our Mo Bros and Mo Sisters that have participated, who shared stories with us and pictures of how you decided to Grow, Move, Host and Mo Your Own Way this #Movember.

The winners of the 2021 Great Canadian Moustache Contest who will see their Mo's featured on various billboards across Canada on November 30 are...

Andy Ali - Vancouver, British Columbia

A stiff upper lip is good for your Mo, but it's disastrous for your health. Many men die too soon because they ignore or downplay health concerns like prostate and testicular cancers, mental health, and suicide. Enough!

For 13 years, my Mo Bro Andy Ali has marked Movember with a different Mo, including the epic Mo Amplitude. His creative whiskers and dedicated fundraising efforts have raised more than $26,000 to stop men from dying too young. He’s also a proud 13-year member of the Platinum Club!

Andy’s Mo-tivation is simple and deeply personal. "My father-in-law Wally died from prostate cancer. My first Movember in 2009 was Wally's last. Together, we can stop fathers, husbands, friends, and guys like Wally and me, from dying too young!”

Andy's Mo Space

Kyle Henderson - North York, Ontario

11 year Mo Bro and Grade 4 teacher here! I've been rocking a tache full time since last Movember, and this go around I am showing-not-growing with an epic Triplestache! Each year I try to outdo myself with a variety of personal goals. This year my physical health goal is to complete 100 pushups, situps and squats every day (plus 10km running per week), and my mental health theme is "Unfinished Business." I'm giving myself little wins by checking longstanding things off of my to-do list (finished a book I started 10 years ago, recorded a song I wrote awhile back, changed some light bulbs, fixed a broken toilet seat, that sort of stuff), and I'm encouraging my friends to do the same. I've always fundraised, but I've found that the more I focus on growth and good conversations, the more organically money comes in.

Last year was my first time in the Platinum Club, and I've raised over $1000 already again in 2021. My goal as always is to spread love, empathy and good vibes. I want to be a listening ear, and also an honest and forthcoming mouth. Remember that knowledge is power, and Moustache is King. Happy growing everyone!

Kyle's Mo Space

Henry Myers - Montreal, Quebec

I'm an 8 year Mo Bro, and since I started participating, I've painted 10 paintings using only my moustache The very first one was a dare during one of my first Movembers and was completely out of my comfort zone - I can't even paint with my hands. Nonetheless, I ended up reusing the idea every couple years while fundraising because it got people talking about the cause. Last year, I even made a web site for it!

Ever since childhood, I've watched the men in my family cope with health issues like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, neurological disease and cancer. During high school, everyone in my year was shocked when two of our seemingly happy peers committed suicide. Still, it wasn't until I learned about Movember that I realized just how little us guys talk about our health problems. I now have 3 boys of my own and dream of them growing up in a world where men talk about their health with friends and know that it's ok to reach out for help when they need it. That’s why I participate.

Henry's Mo Space

Greg Martin - Brantford, Ontario

I will be growing a bounty of "facial hair" for the the month of Movember, and I might keep it on till spring to keep my face warm through the cold months ahead, and because it irritates my wife.... Not only am I a Mo Bro (since 2010), I am a retired career firefighter (retired 2020) who is currently in remission with prostate cancer (diagnosed and treated in 2016). Having experienced cancer myself and having two sons, I want to be an example of resilience while living with cancer, and be able to "pay it forward" with the goal to make prostate cancer "history". The picture I added today, is my effort to grow my "mo" for 2021 so far this month. I was attending our local Remembrance Day service.

Greg's Mo Space

Ryan Trotman - Oakville, Ontario

Gotta nominate an incredible Mo Bro - Ryan Trotman is the Movember captain for the McMaster Men's Varsity Rugby team and he's been amping up the McMaster Varsity community with moustache spirit all month. He organized a men's health panel for the entire McMaster Sports community, he ran a campus Rugby 7's tournament and his team has collectively raised more than $10K!

Ryan's Mo Space

Andrew Cole - Vancouver, British Columbia

Hey Movember, I had shared before but I don’t see it so to be safe here it is again. This is my most “Canadian moustache “ I’m a 12 year MoBro and Mo year round! This year I’m running the Moustache Miler here in Vancouver.

Andrew's Mo Space

Nick Brand - Shelburne, Nova Scotia

Within 24 hours this summer I had two complete different feelings. My son, Bowen was born on July 31st, and I couldn’t have felt more full of love and happiness. On August 1st, I found out that my former student, friend, and teammate had taken his own life, and I felt empty.

Nick's Mo Space

Lianna Carlyle - Niagara Falls, Ontario

This is my first year as a Mo Sister. I have taken on the movement challenge with Wally, my English Bulldog. We've already surpassed our 60km goal and are now targeting 200km! I'm so proud to take part in supporting men's mental and physical health.

Lianna's Mo Space

Donovan Irving - Mississauga, Ontario

I'm nominating my friend and all around awesome Mo Bro Donovan Irving. He's been one of the co-leads of the Movember campaign at Peel Police for 8 years, and all month long he promotes Movember through his ranks. He grows a pretty stellar moustache and he lives the Movember values as well as anyone I know. Mo On Donovan!

Donovan's Mo Space

Jacob Zachariah - Ottawa, Ontario

Proud to nominate Jacob Zachariah for Great Canadian Mo. Earlier this year Jacob was diagnosed with testicular cancer but after 12 weeks of chemo he is officially in remission. He's also been running an awe-inspiring Movember campaign this year and he's already raised more than $13,000 in support of men's health!

Jacob's Mo Space