Maury Simoneau
15  année  Mo Bro
Organiser un événement

$ 0

Objectif: $ 7.500
collecté $ 42.889 depuis 2010
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention
Men's health

This is a tremendous cause, one which impacted my family directly through my father and recently my brother being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. This is my 14th consecutive year being involved - MOving forward each MOvember I’m ‘MO'ing’ specifically in support of one of my best friends, my brother. The Tiers of the MO are calling….

Tiers of the MO - 2023 Campaign Targets

1. $2,500 - 2.5km month of MOvember run along Spadina in my Speedo & MOustache Cape.

2. $5,000 - ‘Lorax Challenge’ (end of MOvemver dye my furry friend orange until Dec. 15th).

3. $7,500 - 7.5” Tattoo of a MOustache (design at MO’s discretion).

Team Jansen
Capitaine d'équipe Maury Simoneau
$ 0 Dons recueillis par l'équipe
0 of 60 kilometres
Vos activités

Laisser un message à Maury

Previous year's posts

Exciting News Alert! The moment we've all been waiting for has arrived – the grand finale of our 2023 Movember campaign is here, and it's a triumph! The Great Canadian Mining Challenge didn't just meet expectations; it struck gold, raising an incredible $200,019! Let's give a thunderous round of applause to Team Jansen, our Challenge champions, and a standing ovation to the unstoppable Maury Simoneau, our top fundraiser extraordinaire! A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for being the driving force behind bringing Movember to life. Your dedication is not just appreciated; it's a beacon of hope for men's health. With your unwavering support, we're not just breaking ground; we're digging deep, reaching more men, and saving more lives. Dive into the final standings below! Wishing you all a holiday season filled with joy, gratitude, and the warmth of your well-deserved success. United We Mo!

Publications de l'année précédente

Exciting News Alert! The moment we've all been waiting for has arrived – the grand finale of our 2023 Movember campaign is here, and it's a triumph! The Great Canadian Mining Challenge didn't just meet expectations; it struck gold, raising an incredible $200,019! Let's give a thunderous round of applause to Team Jansen, our Challenge champions, and a standing ovation to the unstoppable Maury Simoneau, our top fundraiser extraordinaire! A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for being the driving force behind bringing Movember to life. Your dedication is not just appreciated; it's a beacon of hope for men's health. With your unwavering support, we're not just breaking ground; we're digging deep, reaching more men, and saving more lives. Dive into the final standings below! Wishing you all a holiday season filled with joy, gratitude, and the warmth of your well-deserved success. United We Mo!

Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Ken Obazee BHP Dollar Match
$ 100
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Ken Obazee BHP Dollar Match
$ 100
Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Ken Obazee
$ 50
Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Ken Obazee
$ 50
Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Chris & Nancy Komperdo BHP Dollar Match
$ 200
Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Chris & Nancy Komperdo BHP Dollar Match
$ 200
Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Wicehtowak Frontec Services
$ 62

fait un don de $3,622 à Team Jansen, également réparti entre tous les membres de l’équipe (62.72 chacun).

Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Wicehtowak Frontec Services
$ 62

fait un don de $3,622 à Team Jansen, également réparti entre tous les membres de l’équipe (62.72 chacun).

Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Bryan Beggs BHP Dollar Match
$ 100
Il y a 23 semaines
Don de:
Bryan Beggs BHP Dollar Match
$ 100
Il y a 24 semaines
Don de:
Connor Derry
$ 100

Thank-you for your commitment and support.

We've now arrived at Movember 30 and everyone in this challenge should pause for a moment to reflect on an amazing job done, what can only be described as an epic 'stache and an impressive commitment to help change the face of men's health.

As Mo season is coming to a close, I want to flag that the leaderboards will officially close on Thursday, December 7th at 5 pm EST, marking the moment we crown our 2023 Movember champions of each challenge. While donations can still be received after this time, please note that they won't contribute to the leaderboard race.

Thanks for all you have done this year and will continue to do as we move forward.

United We Mo!!!

Événements de l'année précédente
Il y a 24 semaines
J'ai couru 7.2 km00:42:05

Il y a 24 semaines
J'ai couru 5.62 km00:36:41

Il y a 25 semaines
J'ai couru 5.24 km00:34:16

Il y a 25 semaines
J'ai couru 10.02 km01:06:03

Il y a 26 semaines

MOvember 2023 Annual Check-up ✅

Il y a 26 semaines
J'ai marché 4.01 km01:01:15

Il y a 26 semaines
J'ai couru 10.46 km01:15:04

Il y a 26 semaines
J'ai couru 2.82 km00:16:18

Il y a 26 semaines
J'ai marché 2.75 km00:45:00

Il y a 26 semaines
J'ai couru 2.13 km00:30:41

Il y a 27 semaines
J'ai couru 5.22 km00:36:23

Il y a 27 semaines
J'ai marché 3.1 km00:37:00

Il y a 27 semaines
J'ai couru 5.3 km00:35:00

Il y a 28 semaines
J'ai couru 3 km00:22:00

Il y a 28 semaines
J'ai marché 6.6 km01:23:00

Il y a 28 semaines
J'ai marché 5.4 km01:09:00

Il y a 28 semaines
J'ai couru 3.5 km00:15:00

Started my MOves!

Il y a 76 semaines
J'ai marché 7.43 km

Last day of MOvember 2022 - 91km ran and 217km walked for a total MOnthly MOve of 308km! Of my 530 months lived, I’m certain I’ve never ran 91km in 30 days! Thank you MOvember for the MOtivation to do something outside my comfort zone…

Il y a 76 semaines
J'ai couru 5.17 km00:32:24

Il y a 76 semaines
J'ai marché 7.4 km

Il y a 76 semaines
J'ai marché 4.1 km

Il y a 77 semaines

Doing the PSA test - when was your last annual check-up?

Il y a 79 semaines

Banged-out the indoor version of the 5km Mini-Miner’s Marathon with these two beauts!

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.