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Previous year's posts
111 Week(s) Ago

We are officially at the halfway point and those moustaches are looking awesome!

Lots of teams off to amazing starts in the first half and still over two weeks to go.

Previous year's posts
111 Week(s) Ago

We are officially at the halfway point and those moustaches are looking awesome!

Lots of teams off to amazing starts in the first half and still over two weeks to go.

113 Week(s) Ago

We're loving seeing what everyone's up to. Keep on Mo-ing.

Still wondering what to do? Want some inspiration? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Here's Ali from Mo HQ with the ways you can get involved.

113 Week(s) Ago

We're loving seeing what everyone's up to. Keep on Mo-ing.

Still wondering what to do? Want some inspiration? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Here's Ali from Mo HQ with the ways you can get involved.

113 Week(s) Ago

And so it begins. The hairiest month of the year is here to help change the face of men’s health. If you're Growing, Moving, Hosting or Mo’ing Your Own Way – we salute you.

Every whisker, step, party planned or crazy dare, helps Movember raise important funds and awareness for men’s health.

113 Week(s) Ago

And so it begins. The hairiest month of the year is here to help change the face of men’s health. If you're Growing, Moving, Hosting or Mo’ing Your Own Way – we salute you.

Every whisker, step, party planned or crazy dare, helps Movember raise important funds and awareness for men’s health.

114 Week(s) Ago

With under a week till Movember, the countdown is officially on and things are about to get hairy.

Patchy, lopsided, itchy or epic –whatever you Grow this Movember will raise funds and awareness for men’s health. If you can’t Grow or simply don’t want to part ways with your whiskers, you can also host a Mo-ment, Move or Mo Your Own Way.

If you’re looking to take your hairy efforts to the next level, check out our full set of fundraising resources under SUPPORT US.

114 Week(s) Ago

With under a week till Movember, the countdown is officially on and things are about to get hairy.

Patchy, lopsided, itchy or epic –whatever you Grow this Movember will raise funds and awareness for men’s health. If you can’t Grow or simply don’t want to part ways with your whiskers, you can also host a Mo-ment, Move or Mo Your Own Way.

If you’re looking to take your hairy efforts to the next level, check out our full set of fundraising resources under SUPPORT US.

163 Week(s) Ago

DID YOU KNOW, Mo Bros & Mo Sisters who use Facebook Fundraising raise 180% more funds?

You can activate it on your page in 3 clicks and all funds raised through Facebook will appear on your Mo Space. Check out the video below...

163 Week(s) Ago

DID YOU KNOW, Mo Bros & Mo Sisters who use Facebook Fundraising raise 180% more funds?

You can activate it on your page in 3 clicks and all funds raised through Facebook will appear on your Mo Space. Check out the video below...

164 Week(s) Ago

Half of all mental health problems start by age 14.

What boys learn as teenagers will help to shape the men they become. Teaching them about mental health, how to look after their own, and how to support their friends are critical to their health and happiness.

Watch this to check out Movember's work with boys and young men, or read more by copying the link:

164 Week(s) Ago

Half of all mental health problems start by age 14.

What boys learn as teenagers will help to shape the men they become. Teaching them about mental health, how to look after their own, and how to support their friends are critical to their health and happiness.

Watch this to check out Movember's work with boys and young men, or read more by copying the link:

165 Week(s) Ago

The Great Canadian Mo Challenge is on!

We want to celebrate the iconic everyday moustaches sprouting up nationally and the amazing stories and impact behind them.

Ten winners will be selected from across Canada near the end of the month, and their photos will be featured on various billboards across Canada’s major cities on November 30th, 2021.

Moustache connoisseurs and supporters can submit their own story and Mo (or a Mo they know) by signing up for Movember and commenting with their story/nomination on the challenge’s post via Movember’s Facebook page. (

165 Week(s) Ago

The Great Canadian Mo Challenge is on!

We want to celebrate the iconic everyday moustaches sprouting up nationally and the amazing stories and impact behind them.

Ten winners will be selected from across Canada near the end of the month, and their photos will be featured on various billboards across Canada’s major cities on November 30th, 2021.

Moustache connoisseurs and supporters can submit their own story and Mo (or a Mo they know) by signing up for Movember and commenting with their story/nomination on the challenge’s post via Movember’s Facebook page. (

165 Week(s) Ago

Facebook Fundraising - It's live!

An extra way to make your asks this hairy month.

You can connect your Mo Space to Facebook and setup a Facebook fundraiser, sharing your reason to Mo and much more with your Facebook network. It's as easy as 3 steps – here's how to get it connected.

165 Week(s) Ago

Facebook Fundraising - It's live!

An extra way to make your asks this hairy month.

You can connect your Mo Space to Facebook and setup a Facebook fundraiser, sharing your reason to Mo and much more with your Facebook network. It's as easy as 3 steps – here's how to get it connected.

165 Week(s) Ago

Meet 'DRAPER': The police horse with a moustache! Draper will be leading the way this year as our newest Movember Ambassador for the '@TorontoPolice FOLLICLE FORCE' Mo team! Any other police mo teams out there got any 'secret weapons' for their campaigns??

165 Week(s) Ago

Meet 'DRAPER': The police horse with a moustache! Draper will be leading the way this year as our newest Movember Ambassador for the '@TorontoPolice FOLLICLE FORCE' Mo team! Any other police mo teams out there got any 'secret weapons' for their campaigns??

166 Week(s) Ago

Monday is Mo 1! Day one for those clean shaven faces but also day one of the Move Challenge. Step up with thousands of Mo Bros and Sisters at midday, clock your first 5km and help change the face of men's health.

166 Week(s) Ago

Monday is Mo 1! Day one for those clean shaven faces but also day one of the Move Challenge. Step up with thousands of Mo Bros and Sisters at midday, clock your first 5km and help change the face of men's health.

166 Week(s) Ago

Looking to kick-start your Movember fundraising this week? Here are some quick suggestions for getting those first donations.

166 Week(s) Ago

Looking to kick-start your Movember fundraising this week? Here are some quick suggestions for getting those first donations.

167 Week(s) Ago

Just over a week left to recruit for your team. Make sure you get all those Mo's registered!

167 Week(s) Ago

Just over a week left to recruit for your team. Make sure you get all those Mo's registered!

167 Week(s) Ago

The two week countdown is officially on and things are about to get hairy.

It’s time to rally your crew, prep those upper lips and change the face of men’s health one moustache at a time. If you’re looking to take your hairy efforts to the next level, check out our full set of fundraising resources under SUPPORT US.

167 Week(s) Ago

The two week countdown is officially on and things are about to get hairy.

It’s time to rally your crew, prep those upper lips and change the face of men’s health one moustache at a time. If you’re looking to take your hairy efforts to the next level, check out our full set of fundraising resources under SUPPORT US.

212 Week(s) Ago

212 Week(s) Ago

212 Week(s) Ago

212 Week(s) Ago

212 Week(s) Ago

212 Week(s) Ago

212 Week(s) Ago

And a special shout-out for the top RCMP team across the country, D-Div North Manitoba

212 Week(s) Ago

And a special shout-out for the top RCMP team across the country, D-Div North Manitoba

214 Week(s) Ago

Forensic Fuzz from Halifax with one final push in the last 48. Congrats to all especially to the leaders, amazing challenge and fundraising.

214 Week(s) Ago

Forensic Fuzz from Halifax with one final push in the last 48. Congrats to all especially to the leaders, amazing challenge and fundraising.

375 Week(s) Ago

The TPS Movember Team '@TorontoPolice Follicle Force' is challenging our members to step up and grow the mo' and raise funds for Movember, and the Toronto Police Association will match our funds raised, up to $10,000, in the 'TPA MOVEMBER CHALLENGE'. So what police team in Canada is going to beat us, and win the 'GREAT CANADIAN POLICE CHALLENGE', or will the '@TorontoPolice Follicle Force' reign supreme???

375 Week(s) Ago

The TPS Movember Team '@TorontoPolice Follicle Force' is challenging our members to step up and grow the mo' and raise funds for Movember, and the Toronto Police Association will match our funds raised, up to $10,000, in the 'TPA MOVEMBER CHALLENGE'. So what police team in Canada is going to beat us, and win the 'GREAT CANADIAN POLICE CHALLENGE', or will the '@TorontoPolice Follicle Force' reign supreme???

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.