Ryan Ewart
5  year  Mo Bro


Target: $3,500
raised $13,874 since 2020
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Mental health and suicide prevention

My name is Ryan Ewart, I am 28 years old, and for as long as I can remember I have turned a blind eye to my sufferings with mental health. At the start of 2020, I decided it would be the year to turn things around and begin advocating for ending the stigma and reminding myself and others that “it’s okay to not be okay”. Seeking help and selfishness has never been something I am good at, as I always put others before myself. I have found that spreading awareness was my way of helping myself, while encouraging others to do the same to begin their self-healing journey. I Mo for those that never got the opportunity to. I Mo for the ones we lost too early to mental health, testicular & prostate cancer, together we can help men’s health be better than ever before

How I'm
getting involved
Team captain Mitch Hermansen
$10 Team funds raised
I’ll be climbing 2688 floors for the 2688 Canadian men we lose every year to suicide
Your feed

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Previous year's posts
8 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Quality Pole Inc

Nice work Ryan

Previous year's donations
8 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Quality Pole Inc

Nice work Ryan

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sarah Nilson

Proud of you ❤️

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sarah Nilson

Proud of you ❤️

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
James Racich
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
James Racich
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Gordon Campbell
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Gordon Campbell
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Paul Mantha ( Mantha Alimention Inc)

Merci de prendre le temps de nous regrouper tous ensemble et partager une fenêtre de ta vie

Take care

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Paul Mantha ( Mantha Alimention Inc)

Merci de prendre le temps de nous regrouper tous ensemble et partager une fenêtre de ta vie

Take care

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
VGS Contracting

You guys are doing Gods work! Keep it up!

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
VGS Contracting

You guys are doing Gods work! Keep it up!

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Brian Millar
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Brian Millar
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Laurie Tetarenko

Your heart for others will help in ways you may never know! Thank you for your commitment!

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Laurie Tetarenko

Your heart for others will help in ways you may never know! Thank you for your commitment!

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tom Grande

Keep up the great work Ryan .

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tom Grande

Keep up the great work Ryan .

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Paul Cook

Great job Ryan

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Paul Cook

Great job Ryan

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kelly Ewart

Proud momma!

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kelly Ewart

Proud momma!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.