During Movember, men around the globe unite, joined together by a common cause and committed to 30 hairy days and nights growing for men’s health. Beside every great moustache is an awesome Mo Sista, acting as a driving force, and providing invaluable support when it comes to getting things grown.
Mo Sistas are women who love a moustache and understand the importance of men taking care of their health. They play a vital role in supporting the journey of a Mo Bro, not least by being supportive of their courageous commitment. A kind word of encouragement, a wink or a smile of recognition can go a long way to helping a Mo Bro as he navigates the month of Movember – this may be particularly true in the first few weeks when growth can, for some, be a little bit slow.
Mo Sistas are agents of change and women who seek to inspire friends, colleagues, family members and partners to take an active role in their health. Research has shown that most men see a doctor if they are encouraged to by their partners, so by starting conversations and having men take action to address any health problems they may be experiencing, Mo Sistas can have a real impact.
The role of a Mo Sista extends far beyond signing up and starting a conversation – it can also involve raising funds and organising events. Below are a few ideas to get you started:
Start or join a Team
Once you’ve registered as a Mo Sista at Movember.com recruit your family, friends and workmates to join you on the hairy journey by starting and building a team or joining an existing one. For tips on how to get your crew involved click here. The Mo the merrier!
Raise funds
Spread the word and make the most out of your social networking platforms and workplace email to let everyone know that you’re a proud Mo Sista supporting local Mo growers. You’d be surprised by how much timing has to do with whether someone donates to your cause. Catch someone at the right moment by asking for donations multiple times throughout the month on your social accounts.
Host a Mo Party
Get the party started with your local Mo’s by registering and organizing your own Mo Party or Mo Trivia night. Held in your workplace, bar, sports club or community group, get together to celebrate your Movember journey and contribution towards changing the face of men’s health. Click here to register your party and receive your free event kit.
If you're looking for something a bit more active, register a MOVE event in your workplace or community to encourage those around you to increase their physical activity. Whether it’s a run, swim or a wanderabout… get moving with your friends and family.
Celebrate at a Movember Gala Parté
After a month of raising funds and having fun, it’s time to get your best Mo themed outfit on and join in the celebrations at our infamous Movember Gala Partés for a night to remember. Raise $100 to claim your free ticket, or $200 for two.
"Movember is one of my favourite times of the year because I love to see all the Mo Bros in my life rocking a killer 70's Mo. A lot of guys feel nervous about growing a moustache for an entire month, so I see it my as job as a Mo Sista to tell them how good they look! Movember is also a great reminder to talk about men's health with our loved ones, I know I'll be talking to my Dad about our family's health history and encouraging him to have a check-up."
Become a mo sista