October 11th, 2015

No Movember Fundraising team is too big or small, which was proven with The Chris James Kingston team.

Mo Team Spotlight: Chris James Kingston team
Big or small, never underestimate the power of your Movember team. Take the moustaches from Chris James Kingston for example. With under 10 members, they still managed to raise nearly $70,000 in 2014! This ranks them #1 in Canadian teams with under 10 members, and #7 overall. Now that’s helping change the face of men’s health.

Every member is representative of the Kingston community – from retail to finance to medicine and beyond. By rallying the town together, this group of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas truly reflect the dedication, enthusiasm and the love of Mo’s we see across Canada. They’ve been able to take the number one spot through fundraising events, media appearances and strong local community engagement.

“Do Good. Feel Good. Look Good” is their motto, building on the idea of having fun while making a difference.

Way to go Mo’s, can’t wait to see what you have in store for Movember 2015! You can help kick start their efforts on their Mo Space team page here.