A black and white image of Mo Bro Duncan looking surprised.
Mo Bro DuncanImage by: Movember
A black and white image of Mo Bro Duncan looking surprised.
1 December 2022

The month of Movember is over. What’s next?

3 minutes read time

Once again, you answered the Movember call. Around the globe, more than 330,000 people signed up to fundraise for men’s health. Together, we’re once again on track raise over €61 million and we’re still counting*.

It’s a remarkable effort from an extraordinary bunch of people. But what happens next?

Movember keeps counting funds until the end of our financial year. That’s in April 2023, which means you’ve got more time to check whether your employer can match or fund your donations. After that, the good folks at KPMG will audit us, and then we’ll publish the official figures in our annual report.

Then the best part happens – we start putting your money to work. We invest in game-changing men’s health projects across mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

We have specialist men’s health committees and subject matter experts, and a passionate team who ensure the money goes where it’s needed most. If you’d like to know more about our governance structure, head here.

Your fundraising means much-needed funds and awareness go to groundbreaking biomedical research and community-based programs; and to online resources, as well as tools loaded with helpful information. See our top 10 projects of 2022 or check out our work in detail here.

Over the last 19 years, we’ve witnessed the health issues men face first-hand. Yes, they’re complex. But taking action can be simple. So as the hairy season once more comes to a close, we’re asking Mo Bro’s and the Movember community to nail these five things:

  1. Make time for friends and family. Spend time with people who make you feel good. It’s straight-up good for your mental health.
  2. Talk more. Open up to others. And be there for others to open up to you. Not sure how to approach that conversation? Our Movember Conversations tool is here to help.
  3. Know the numbers for prostate cancer. Talk to your doc at age 50. Or at 45 if you’re Black or have a family history of the disease.
  4. Know thy nuts. Give ‘em a feel regularly and get to know what’s normal for you. See our guide.
  5. Move more. Take the stairs. Cycle to work. Walk the block at lunch.

Whether you fundraised with us, donated to us or cheered on from the sidelines, thank you for changing the face of men’s health.

And while the 2022 campaign might be over, there are more ways you can stand with us year-round. Our Mo Your Own Way fundraising option allows you to set your own epic challenge and chase it down at any time of the year, while monthly giving lets you set up regular donations.

Thanks again for helping us change the face of men’s health.

*Total numbers are subject to final accounting and external audits. These official numbers will be published in our annual report next year.