Kevin Carver
11  year  Mo Bro


Target: $500
raised $4,001 since 2011
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

It’s Movember again and Team Horton is up and running again with Captain Leigh Meuthing. I'm delighted to see this great school tradition continue. In lieu of growing the "mo" this year (because it always made me sneeze and it looks terrible on me!) I am taking on the MAKE A MOVE Challenge: Run or walk 60 km over the month. That’s 60 km for the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, every hour across the world. My actual goal is to “cycle” 1 km on my stationary bike for EVERY $1 pledged. THANKS in advance for your support!

How I'm
getting involved
Horton High School
Team captain Leigh Muething
$0 Team funds raised
0 of 500 kilometres
I'm moving 1 km for every $1 pledged. Fundraising goal is $500 - so shooting for 500 km just in case I reach it!
Your feed

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Previous year's posts
89 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Final Movember post for 2022! Our team surpassed its goal and I did the same with my own goal! Today marks 575 km on the bike to equal the $575 in donations I received. Thanks so much to everyone for their support! Merry Christmas!

Previous year's activities
89 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Final Movember post for 2022! Our team surpassed its goal and I did the same with my own goal! Today marks 575 km on the bike to equal the $575 in donations I received. Thanks so much to everyone for their support! Merry Christmas!

89 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

One more day and I’ll hit the target!

89 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

One more day and I’ll hit the target!

89 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Reached my original goal yesterday; now 3 more days to meet my commitment. Thanks to generous donors!

89 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Reached my original goal yesterday; now 3 more days to meet my commitment. Thanks to generous donors!

90 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Hard to catch up when they have me working every day!

90 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Hard to catch up when they have me working every day!

90 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Thankful for days off!

90 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Thankful for days off!

90 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Getting there!

90 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Getting there!

91 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 30 km01:00:02

The weekend, a chance to catch up on my movement challenge!

91 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 30 km01:00:02

The weekend, a chance to catch up on my movement challenge!

91 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Another 25 km closer to the finish line!

91 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Another 25 km closer to the finish line!

92 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Nice Saturday AM ride - lots of catching up to do!

92 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Nice Saturday AM ride - lots of catching up to do!

92 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

After the crazy wind storm!

92 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

After the crazy wind storm!

92 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Looks like I’ll be biking ‘til Christmas to catch up!

92 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Looks like I’ll be biking ‘til Christmas to catch up!

92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tammy MacLellan
Previous year's donations
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tammy MacLellan
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Angela Carver
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Angela Carver
92 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Supposed to be sunny and +9° later today. If I had a real bike, I could wait and go then!

92 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Supposed to be sunny and +9° later today. If I had a real bike, I could wait and go then!

93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Linda Manthorne
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Linda Manthorne
93 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Note to self: Do the bike ride BEFORE lighting the wood stove.

93 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Note to self: Do the bike ride BEFORE lighting the wood stove.

93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Mark Dunkley
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Mark Dunkley
93 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Making progress - slowly but surely!

93 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Making progress - slowly but surely!

93 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Inservice day = Bike day!

93 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Inservice day = Bike day!

93 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

5 day weekend begins - should be able to make progress with the cycling goal!

93 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Nice morning for a bike ride … in the basement!

94 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Finally! A day off to bike!

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jocelyn Rippey
94 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

In-service day gives me a chance to catch up a little bit!

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jean Doucette

In memory of Randy

94 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 25 km01:00:00

Sunday AM basement bike!

95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sandra Barker
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Anna Joudrey
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Glen/Kaye Carver
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sandra Moulaison
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Lesley Hopkins

Happy to help you reach your fundraising goal

Previous year's posts
95 Week(s) Ago

Got a great crew of rock stars already assembled for Team Horton and hope to add more very soon!

144 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Linda Manthorne

In under the wire! :)

145 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Lesley Hopkins

You got something on your lip

145 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jacqueline Langille
147 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
R.W. Sweet Landscaping
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.