Paul Adam
14  year  Mo Bro


Target: $1,500
raised $10,112 since 2011
My motivation

The Movember Foundation is the leading charity changing the face of men's health, and this Movember I'm joining them. Together we can make a difference for men's health – in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. Help me stop men dying too young.

in 2020 the Movember campaign and our role of breaking stigmas led to the discovery of my brother's cancer. It was papillary thyroid carcinoma with cervical metastasis, meaning a survivable cancer that was spreading into his lymphatic system. Not exactly the health issues targeted by the Movember campaign, but I used the initiative to convince him to go for his Movember checkup, his doctor decided to do bloodwork, that's how the cancer was detected. Had this gone unchecked, it could have spread to his liver, lungs and bones, which would be deadly serious.

Here we are in 2022, two surgeries, radio therapy, chemo therapy, and another tumor has been detected. Never underestimate cancer, and never underestimate the importance of regular screening and checkups!

How I'm
getting involved
The Moustache Growers of Sacré-Davey
Team captain Paul Adam
$0 Team funds raised
0 of 60 kilometres
I'm moving 60km this Movember for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.
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Previous year's posts
Previous year's donations
47 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jennifer Jordan
47 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jennifer Jordan
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Aleksandra Evans
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Aleksandra Evans
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ali Rezvani
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ali Rezvani
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tara Pasveer
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tara Pasveer
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sergiy Grabovy
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sergiy Grabovy
Previous year's activities
198 Week(s) Ago
I walked 6.2 km02:21:00

199 Week(s) Ago
I walked 5.42 km01:13:10

long March on the treadmill

199 Week(s) Ago
I walked 5.42 km01:13:10

long March up that dreadmill

200 Week(s) Ago
I walked 5.3 km01:12:00

such a long slog!

Previous year's posts
200 Week(s) Ago

starting to Mo up nicely!

200 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.42 km00:43:00

training to run a 10k

201 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.7 km00:45:00

202 Week(s) Ago
I ran 4.44 km01:02:00

good workout this morning

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.