Kevin Madison
1  year  Mo Bro


raised $150 since 2024
My motivation

I'm raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives. I need your help. Please donate to support men's health.

How I'm
getting involved
Clyde & Co - Canada
Team captain Dennie Michielsen
$0 Team funds raised
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Previous year's posts
17 Week(s) Ago

18 Week(s) Ago

18 Week(s) Ago

Attention Canadian Legal Challenge - it's time for liftoff!

The hairiest month of the year is here, and we’re ready to change the face of men’s health.

Whether you’re Growing, Moving, Hosting, or Mo’ing Your Own Way – we salute you! Every whisker grown, step taken, event hosted, or bold dare accepted helps Movember raise critical funds and awareness for men’s health.

Teams are already rising up the leaderboard for a shot at gold. Who will take it home this year?

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.