Aucun membre de 'PCL Movember Movement' n'est revenu pour cette année

PCL Movember Movement
PCL Construction

$ 0

Objectif: $ 30.000
Somme recueillie l'an dernier : $ 39.956

As many of you may know, the month of November is commonly known as "Movember". The reason is 15 years ago two buddies came together over a drink and decided that too many men in the world are being affected by prostate and testicular cancer. They decided to start the tradition of growing a mustache for the month of November and have their friends, family, and colleagues cheer them on by donating towards cancer research while growing facial hair as a symbol of their support.

This year the movement has expanded allowing you to participate in "Movement for Movember" or you can "Mow your Own Way" and set some super awesome achievement goals to aim for while you fundraise!

Publications de l'équipe

Écrire ici votre commentaire

Previous year's posts
Il y a 4 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 40

For Fab Shop Greg Cooper

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 4 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 40

For Fab Shop Greg Cooper

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Vincent Pillay
$ 250
Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Vincent Pillay
$ 250
Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Tanya Hughes
$ 20
Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Tanya Hughes
$ 20
Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Dhil Baby Alex
$ 50
Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Dhil Baby Alex
$ 50
Il y a 5 semaines
Brent Sharpe: J'ai marché 2.46 km00:27:50

Événements de l'année précédente
Il y a 5 semaines
Brent Sharpe: J'ai marché 2.46 km00:27:50

Il y a 5 semaines
Brent Sharpe: J'ai marché 5.19 km00:56:32

Il y a 5 semaines
Brent Sharpe: J'ai marché 5.19 km00:56:32

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Gabriele Jegelka
$ 50

Great initiative

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Gabriele Jegelka
$ 50

Great initiative

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Tim Jackie
$ 50

That's some impressive facial hair!

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Tim Jackie
$ 50

That's some impressive facial hair!

Il y a 5 semaines
Brent Sharpe: J'ai marché 5.05 km00:55:25

Il y a 5 semaines
Brent Sharpe: J'ai marché 5.05 km00:55:25

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
April Overmars
$ 25
Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
April Overmars
$ 25
Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .12 km00:07:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .12 km00:07:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .18 km00:08:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .18 km00:08:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .82 km00:13:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .82 km00:13:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .11 km00:01:45

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .92 km00:13:20

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .92 km00:13:20

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .11 km00:01:45

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Ian McKinnon
$ 250

Great Mo's Boys. I'll be back next year!

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Ian McKinnon
$ 250

Great Mo's Boys. I'll be back next year!

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Zeljko Vasarevic
$ 100
Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Zeljko Vasarevic
$ 100
Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru 6.23 km00:36:05

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru 6.23 km00:36:05

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .1 km00:01:20

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .1 km00:01:20

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru .11 km00:02:30

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru .11 km00:02:30

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru .11 km00:00:15

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché 1.41 km00:09:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru 1.53 km00:14:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru 1.15 km00:01:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .52 km00:07:00

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai nagé 214 m00:52:28

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru .18 km00:03:45

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai marché .25 km00:03:20

Il y a 6 semaines
Dustin Olsen: J'ai couru .18 km00:01:00

Il y a 8 semaines
Don de:
Nikki Stalker
$ 50
Il y a 8 semaines
Don de:
Wayne Brogan
$ 100

Looking sharp chaps!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Ivan Ivanov
$ 100
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Callen Weisgerber
$ 30
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Adam Laughlin
$ 100
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Robert Kinsella
$ 100

It's Mo-on time!

Publications de l'année précédente

Hey Team - Join us in the CLC today at 10am for a team photo if you are on campus! If on-site try to get a photo of your site team and post it on Viva Engage!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Leanne Boerefyn
$ 50
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Alcides Antunes
$ 100
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Nikki Stalker
$ 50
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Emeka Thompson
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Jenn Jacobs
$ 100

Way to go guys, keep it up!

Il y a 113 semaines

It is never late to make that appointment - I volunteer to accompany you! I promise to listen! I promise to seek help.

Il y a 163 semaines

Thank-you Mark!

Il y a 163 semaines

Thank-you Darvin!

Il y a 163 semaines

Thank-you Andrew.

Il y a 318 semaines

Hey Team PCL,

Mitch Hermansen here and I am a full time moustache farmer with Movember Canada.

I wanted to write with a huge thank you for all your support of Movember and men’s health this year. Over $18,000 raised – that is completely amazing! You're all Mo Legends.

As we approach the last few days of the campaign, enjoy it, stay strong, and rock those Mo's with pride!

You’re making a difference for men’s health and we can’t thank you enough for that.

Finally, thought you might get a good laugh out of this movember vid. Enjoy!

Warmest regards (and upper lips),

Il y a 319 semaines

Mo on the Go - Minneapolis

Il y a 320 semaines

Been to the barbers and got a trim

Il y a 321 semaines

Here is the view after the first week, not full decided on which tash I’m going for keeping my options open

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.