25 juillet, 2012

We are proud to announce that a portion funds raised from last year’s campaign have been awarded via the Movember New and Established Investigator Pilot Grants and Clinician Scientist Award through our men’s health partner, Prostate Cancer Canada! A total of 2.37 million over 2.5 years has been invested into 18 projects granted to brainy Mo researchers via a peer review process.

Prostate Cancer Canada awards Movember Pilot Grants and Clinician Scientist Award!
Where The Money Goes


We are proud to announce that a portion funds raised from last year’s campaign have been awarded via the Movember New and Established Investigator Pilot Grants and Clinician Scientist Award through our men’s health partner, Prostate Cancer Canada! A total of 2.37 million over 2.5 years has been invested into 18 projects granted to brainy Mo researchers via a peer review process.
The Movember New and Established Investigator Pilot grants fund innovative, high potential programs that could significantly advance research in finding better treatments. There are two divisions of this grant to allow for both new and established investigators the opportunity to lead promising research. Providing this opportunity specifically for new investigators is very important as it allows them the opportunity to begin advancing prostate cancer knowledge as they grow as researchers. There are 16 of these grants awarded for 2012.
The Movember Clinician-Scientist Award provide salary and research support to outstanding scientists in the field prostate cancer exploration. These scientists make major contributions in the field of research knowledge that lead to improved patient care and health. One of this year’s award recipients is developing tools for personalized medicine with the aim of biopsy avoidance in patients at risk for prostate cancer and those with low prostate cancer risk. 
For more information, or to find out more about each individual project, visit our friends over at Prostate Cancer Canada
Stay tuned for more project announcements as part of Prostate Cancer Canada’s new research strategy.