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With a career spanning five decades, the ear shattering, rock n’roll juggernaut of Motörhead was fronted by the inimitable Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister until he sadly passed after a short battle with cancer in 2015.

Renowned for his signature moustache, arguably the most recongnisable in rock n’roll history, Motörhead are proud to team up with the annual Mövember campaign to raise awareness and funds for the great work that they do by asking YOU to grow your own Lemmy Mo’ for this worthy cause.





Vos mises à jour

Previous year's posts
Il y a 14 semaines

Growing it like Lemmy

Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 14 semaines

Growing it like Lemmy

Il y a 64 semaines

You win some, lose some
It's all the same to me :)

Il y a 64 semaines

You win some, lose some
It's all the same to me :)

Il y a 115 semaines

last day of movember and it's been a good one! Cheers to you all from the Netherlands!

Il y a 115 semaines

last day of movember and it's been a good one! Cheers to you all from the Netherlands!

Il y a 115 semaines

Can’t wait for my 3:55AM Japan time alarm to see Wales crash out of the World Cup

Il y a 115 semaines

Can’t wait for my 3:55AM Japan time alarm to see Wales crash out of the World Cup

Il y a 115 semaines

Not perfect I've had a go at the handlebars

Il y a 115 semaines

Not perfect I've had a go at the handlebars

Il y a 119 semaines

This Is an old Pic because i can't let grow my mo for now, had a chemoterapy some weeks ago and now i've finally done and healed but no mo for now, they Will grow slowly haha

Il y a 119 semaines

This Is an old Pic because i can't let grow my mo for now, had a chemoterapy some weeks ago and now i've finally done and healed but no mo for now, they Will grow slowly haha

Il y a 164 semaines

A huge shout out to all the Lemmy Mo's - you guys are awesome! We have loved seeing so many faces on this page and can't wait to do it again next year. Keep on rocking!

Il y a 164 semaines

A huge shout out to all the Lemmy Mo's - you guys are awesome! We have loved seeing so many faces on this page and can't wait to do it again next year. Keep on rocking!

Il y a 166 semaines

Another successful Movember

Il y a 166 semaines

Another successful Movember

Il y a 166 semaines

10th place finish, happy with that!!

Il y a 166 semaines

10th place finish, happy with that!!

Il y a 167 semaines

Lemmy for a month.

Il y a 167 semaines

Lemmy for a month.

Il y a 167 semaines

Last day

Il y a 167 semaines

Last day

Il y a 167 semaines

Day 29:- Lemmy level complete!

Il y a 167 semaines

Day 29:- Lemmy level complete!

Il y a 167 semaines

A rainböw Lemmy - bringing a world of colour to a cold November Monday

Il y a 167 semaines

A rainböw Lemmy - bringing a world of colour to a cold November Monday

Il y a 167 semaines

The end of the best Mövember

Il y a 167 semaines

The end of the best Mövember

Il y a 167 semaines

Got great feedback on it while growing it out, it was bittersweet after shaving. My face feels less itchy and I’m not pulling my mustache out anymore but I definitely look 12 again. Can’t wait to do it again next year!

Il y a 167 semaines

Got great feedback on it while growing it out, it was bittersweet after shaving. My face feels less itchy and I’m not pulling my mustache out anymore but I definitely look 12 again. Can’t wait to do it again next year!

Il y a 167 semaines

After 11 years of growing a Mo for Movember, and following Movembers rules (no joining side burns) I have finally got the chance to pay homage to Lemmy from Motörhead. A band I’ve had the pleasure to see twice and who accompany me on my workouts daily. Motörhead on a Monday night at Wolverhampton civic hall was my daughters (age 13!) first gig (couldn’t hear her lessons for 2 days, but what a first gig!). God Bless Lemmy, the king, as Dave Grohl said and we all agree.

Il y a 167 semaines

After 11 years of growing a Mo for Movember, and following Movembers rules (no joining side burns) I have finally got the chance to pay homage to Lemmy from Motörhead. A band I’ve had the pleasure to see twice and who accompany me on my workouts daily. Motörhead on a Monday night at Wolverhampton civic hall was my daughters (age 13!) first gig (couldn’t hear her lessons for 2 days, but what a first gig!). God Bless Lemmy, the king, as Dave Grohl said and we all agree.

Il y a 167 semaines

Lemmy mo' is coming along

Il y a 167 semaines

Lemmy mo' is coming along

Il y a 167 semaines

People say I need a hat and a ciggie ?

Il y a 167 semaines

People say I need a hat and a ciggie ?

Il y a 167 semaines

White and ginger Lemmy! :)

Il y a 167 semaines

White and ginger Lemmy! :)

Il y a 168 semaines


Il y a 168 semaines


Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.