$ 2.788

Objectif: $ 200.000

Too many men are dying too young and the Mo Bros and Mo Sisters of RBC are doing their part to ensure that men will have the chance to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Mo On, have fun and do good!

Progrès du programme Move dans ce défi.

10000 km

We are taking on the challenge of collectively running 10,000 km. This virtual relay run will take us across Canada.





Vos mises à jour

Previous year's posts
Il y a 33 semaines

Hey RBC MoBros and MoSistas,

We had such a great campaign this year! I’m proud of every aspect. We recruited – 362 member (up 82 from 2022). We moved 9,850km (up 2,644 from 2022). We had great company-wide virtual events; namely the Captains’ Meeting, Mo Day 1: Ready Set Me!, RBC Mental Health Panel and the Mo Gala. There were many local events put on by captains, including breakfasts, potlucks, caroling, rock climbing, panels, and presentations. There were many fake moustaches, really brave moustaches and epic moustaches. I love them all.

Fundraising continues until Dec 7th at 5pm, but we are looking good. We’ve raised $187,968 (up $11,887 from 2022). For the Bank Challenge, we are in second place behind CIBC’s $324,355 and comfortably ahead of BMO’s $176,905. I’ll have the final results on the Movember Connect page once the Challenge has concluded.

Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 33 semaines

Hey RBC MoBros and MoSistas,

We had such a great campaign this year! I’m proud of every aspect. We recruited – 362 member (up 82 from 2022). We moved 9,850km (up 2,644 from 2022). We had great company-wide virtual events; namely the Captains’ Meeting, Mo Day 1: Ready Set Me!, RBC Mental Health Panel and the Mo Gala. There were many local events put on by captains, including breakfasts, potlucks, caroling, rock climbing, panels, and presentations. There were many fake moustaches, really brave moustaches and epic moustaches. I love them all.

Fundraising continues until Dec 7th at 5pm, but we are looking good. We’ve raised $187,968 (up $11,887 from 2022). For the Bank Challenge, we are in second place behind CIBC’s $324,355 and comfortably ahead of BMO’s $176,905. I’ll have the final results on the Movember Connect page once the Challenge has concluded.

Il y a 86 semaines

Banking Challenge ends on Dec 8th at 5pm. RBC sits in 2nd Place. If any of your friends missed donating to you during November, they still can. Also, please go to Connect and join the Movember group to get updates throughout the year and the find out how to donate via Benevity for Employee Giving. Below is a picture from the Day 30 Mo Gala.

Il y a 86 semaines

Banking Challenge ends on Dec 8th at 5pm. RBC sits in 2nd Place. If any of your friends missed donating to you during November, they still can. Also, please go to Connect and join the Movember group to get updates throughout the year and the find out how to donate via Benevity for Employee Giving. Below is a picture from the Day 30 Mo Gala.

Il y a 87 semaines

Hello RBC MoBros and MoSistas!! We are 275 members strong and we have moved 4,218km. We are on the cusp of raising $100,000 in support of Movember. We are sitting third in the Banking Challenge behind CIBC and BMO. Let's end the month strong. Action items; First, if you haven't logged your moves get them in. Second, ask 3 more people today to support Men's Health through your Movember campaign.

Il y a 87 semaines

Hello RBC MoBros and MoSistas!! We are 275 members strong and we have moved 4,218km. We are on the cusp of raising $100,000 in support of Movember. We are sitting third in the Banking Challenge behind CIBC and BMO. Let's end the month strong. Action items; First, if you haven't logged your moves get them in. Second, ask 3 more people today to support Men's Health through your Movember campaign.

Il y a 89 semaines

Hey RBCers, we've grown our staches and the size of our crew. We are now in the itchy phase and have 186 people on the team. We have moved 1,254km. This puts us way out in the lead for membership and moves. For money raised, we've been blindsided by BMO jumping ahead of us. Satisfyingly, we have CIBC and TD behind us. Let's keep spreading the word about Men's Health. Make sure to get the Nov 15th Movember Panel in your calendar, details on the Movember Connect page.

Il y a 89 semaines

Hey RBCers, we've grown our staches and the size of our crew. We are now in the itchy phase and have 186 people on the team. We have moved 1,254km. This puts us way out in the lead for membership and moves. For money raised, we've been blindsided by BMO jumping ahead of us. Satisfyingly, we have CIBC and TD behind us. Let's keep spreading the word about Men's Health. Make sure to get the Nov 15th Movember Panel in your calendar, details on the Movember Connect page.

Il y a 90 semaines

Hello RBCers! There are 178 of us and so far we have moved 287km and raised $30,408. This means we are beating all the other banks on membership, moves and money. Keep up the good work - recruiting, walk/run, spreading the awareness.

Il y a 90 semaines

Hello RBCers! There are 178 of us and so far we have moved 287km and raised $30,408. This means we are beating all the other banks on membership, moves and money. Keep up the good work - recruiting, walk/run, spreading the awareness.

Il y a 138 semaines

TD Bank just jumped ahead of us in the Bank Challenge standings. We've been pushed into 3rd place. We are $6,000 behind them.
I need you to dig deep into your Rolodex. Send another email. Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik tok, MySpace. The moustaches might be gone, but we still need to fundraise. We have until Dec 9th @5pm. Let's finish strong!

Il y a 138 semaines

TD Bank just jumped ahead of us in the Bank Challenge standings. We've been pushed into 3rd place. We are $6,000 behind them.
I need you to dig deep into your Rolodex. Send another email. Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik tok, MySpace. The moustaches might be gone, but we still need to fundraise. We have until Dec 9th @5pm. Let's finish strong!

Il y a 139 semaines

We are just a few thousand dollars away from crossing $100,000 in fundraising. We have 283 members. We have made it 4,891km. We are amazing!!

We can't celebrate yet. We need to push. Contact that person that donated to you last year, but hasn't yet this year - they need a reminder. It's time to dig deep.

Il y a 139 semaines

We are just a few thousand dollars away from crossing $100,000 in fundraising. We have 283 members. We have made it 4,891km. We are amazing!!

We can't celebrate yet. We need to push. Contact that person that donated to you last year, but hasn't yet this year - they need a reminder. It's time to dig deep.

Il y a 141 semaines

RBC has just crossed $50,000 in fundraising. We are leading all other banks and quite frankly all other companies in Canada!

We have 260 members and we have travelled over 2000km.

Two things;
1. Keep up the great work
2. Remember to go to the Movember page on Connect to join the group and register for the Health Talk on Nov 17th @1pm EST.

Il y a 141 semaines

RBC has just crossed $50,000 in fundraising. We are leading all other banks and quite frankly all other companies in Canada!

We have 260 members and we have travelled over 2000km.

Two things;
1. Keep up the great work
2. Remember to go to the Movember page on Connect to join the group and register for the Health Talk on Nov 17th @1pm EST.

Il y a 190 semaines

I'm so happy! I woke up this moring and saw that we had exceeded our $200,000 goal for this year. Thanks to everyone for your efforts. Special thanks to Alan Bird and the rest of the SCI Mo Peeps. https://connect.fg.rbc.com/groups/movember/blog/2020/12/04/rbc-raises-over-200000-for-mens-health

Il y a 190 semaines

I'm so happy! I woke up this moring and saw that we had exceeded our $200,000 goal for this year. Thanks to everyone for your efforts. Special thanks to Alan Bird and the rest of the SCI Mo Peeps. https://connect.fg.rbc.com/groups/movember/blog/2020/12/04/rbc-raises-over-200000-for-mens-health

Il y a 191 semaines

This is the last weekend! Let's push. Make sure everyone knows why we are doing this. Every dollar saves lives. Send emails, post on social media, text, phone a friend, and do a Zoom - guys gotta communicate.

Il y a 191 semaines

This is the last weekend! Let's push. Make sure everyone knows why we are doing this. Every dollar saves lives. Send emails, post on social media, text, phone a friend, and do a Zoom - guys gotta communicate.

Il y a 194 semaines

Proud to support mental Health awareness at RC

Il y a 194 semaines

Proud to support mental Health awareness at RC

Il y a 347 semaines

Help us extinguish cancer!

Il y a 347 semaines

Help us extinguish cancer!

Il y a 348 semaines

A week to go so we gotta keep Mo'ing

Il y a 348 semaines

A week to go so we gotta keep Mo'ing

Il y a 348 semaines

The MoSistas have been incredible this year by signing up and getting the MoBros in their lives to get tested!

Il y a 348 semaines

The MoSistas have been incredible this year by signing up and getting the MoBros in their lives to get tested!

Il y a 348 semaines

Hello from London

Il y a 348 semaines

Hello from London

Il y a 349 semaines

Half way there... brought out the MO cuff-links to celebrate!

Il y a 349 semaines

Half way there... brought out the MO cuff-links to celebrate!

Il y a 350 semaines

Hi from France

Il y a 350 semaines

Hi from France

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.