Michael Halas
15  année  Mo Bro

$ 0

Objectif: $ 1.950
collecté $ 18.388 depuis 2010
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Mental health and suicide prevention
Prostate cancer

This is my 15th year growing a Mo, raising funds and awareness on issues with men’s health -
quite generically - for prostate health, testicular health, and mental health.
But I don't want to stay generic.
My father got to live an additional 5 years because of advances in the treatment of prostate cancer. I can't put a value on that.
I have suffered from anxiety and panic since I was a teenager, and spent decades of my life suffering silently, because the stigma and/or shame was too great for me to overcome.
I have had bouts of depression, and occasional suicidal thoughts.
The days after my baby boy died were some of the darkest in my life. I spent the energy I had trying to support my wife and 3 year old child, while ignoring my own needs.
So, I'm asking you to support me once again this year.
But not for generic reasons. For very specific reasons.
For a man with prostate cancer, with a son who adores him.
For a scared teenage boy, who needs a hug, a friend, and a person to talk to.
For a man that lost a baby and believes that being strong for his family means ignoring himself.
...and for the man that stands before you right here, who's trying to make a difference in this world.
Thank you.

Vos activités

Laisser un message à Michael

Previous year's posts
Il y a 7 semaines
Don de:
Renee Masching
$ 30

Always support you for this cause!

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 7 semaines
Don de:
Renee Masching
$ 30

Always support you for this cause!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Lianne Arsenault
$ 50
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Lianne Arsenault
$ 50
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Elisa Bibby
$ 50

You are doing an amazing job just by sharing your story…and you do so much more…so proud to call you my friend! Keep up the fantastic work Michael!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Elisa Bibby
$ 50

You are doing an amazing job just by sharing your story…and you do so much more…so proud to call you my friend! Keep up the fantastic work Michael!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Désirée & Michael Halloran
$ 50
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Désirée & Michael Halloran
$ 50
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Beth Dennis
$ 25

So happy to donate, but even happier to support what you're doing for all humans, for your family and friends and for yourself. You are amazing.

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Beth Dennis
$ 25

So happy to donate, but even happier to support what you're doing for all humans, for your family and friends and for yourself. You are amazing.

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 50

Your efforts are making a difference-thank you!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 50

Your efforts are making a difference-thank you!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Chris Webber
$ 50

Looking good brother!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Chris Webber
$ 50

Looking good brother!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Julie Takata
$ 50

We admire and respect your dedication to this cause, and the ability to grow such an awesome 'mo'!!
Julie, Greg, Reina and Kara

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Julie Takata
$ 50

We admire and respect your dedication to this cause, and the ability to grow such an awesome 'mo'!!
Julie, Greg, Reina and Kara

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Robert Khan
$ 50
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Robert Khan
$ 50
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Kathy Sammy
$ 50
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Kathy Sammy
$ 50
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
James Webb
$ 100

Good luck cuz!!!

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
James Webb
$ 100

Good luck cuz!!!

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Henry Fournier
$ 100

Congrats Mike! Quite the accomplishment and quote the ‘stash :)

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Henry Fournier
$ 100

Congrats Mike! Quite the accomplishment and quote the ‘stash :)

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Grenadier Group Inc.
$ 100

Thanks for doing this, Mike. Respect!

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Grenadier Group Inc.
$ 100

Thanks for doing this, Mike. Respect!

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
J Sutcliffe
$ 100
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
J Sutcliffe
$ 100
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Stephen Knott
$ 200
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Stephen Knott
$ 200
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Mary Halas
$ 100
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Mary Halas
$ 100
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Kearns Technology Inc.
$ 100
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Kearns Technology Inc.
$ 100
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Donna Rubenstein
$ 100

Delighted to support you . You inspire many

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Donna Rubenstein
$ 100

Delighted to support you . You inspire many

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Teresa Sota
$ 150

We love you and are so proud of and inspired by you, Michael. t&c

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Teresa Sota
$ 150

We love you and are so proud of and inspired by you, Michael. t&c

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
jo-ann pollard
$ 200
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
jo-ann pollard
$ 200
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.