With great (and even not so great) moustache comes great responsibility. Don’t let the thickness of your moustache determine the strength of your fundraising efforts. We need to avoid any mid-Movember lagging, so keep reading for tips to help you stay motivated and raise some awareness and funds.
Make It Personal
Personally reach out to colleagues, family and friends. Social media is key to any successful fundraising campaign – use it to get in touch with all your contacts. Text, call and email your personal networks as well – people respond favourably to the personal touch.
Try, Try, Try Again
You’d be surprised how much timing has to do with whether someone donates to your cause. Catch someone at the right moment by asking for donations multiple times throughout the month on your social accounts!
Keep Updated
Update your Mo Space and social accounts with photos, status updates, and personal messages about your Mo journey.
Public Thank Yous
We all know it’s important to thank donors, do it on your Facebook and Twitter accounts so that the world may know how stellar they are.
From One Mo to Another
Donate to a fellow Mo Bro or Mo Sista and they’ll be encouraged to donate back! One good turn deserves another.
In the Downloads section on your Mo Space you can find a host of things we’ve put together so that you can dress up your social media in Movember cover pages, use images, and we’ve got some personalized donation cards as well. Get on it and spread the word.
Dollar Matching
Learn more about dollar matching here to see if your business will match your personal donations or fundraising efforts.
Let us know how these go in the comments below!

November 17th, 2014
With great (and even not so great) moustache comes great responsibility.
Stay Motivated