November 8th, 2014

Fearless Fred is a four year radio Mo Bro. Learn more about him here!

Mo Bro Spotlight
Broadcaster and author Fearless Fred is a four year Mo Bro, and the 102.1 The Edge talent is leading a team this Movember.

1. How did you get involved with Movember?
It started with a dare. I grow terrible facial hair, and my wife thought I'd wind up looking like The Dread Pirate Roberts from Princess Bride. I wound up looking like his 14 year old brother... and I was 30.
2. Who is your male role model? And what’s one important thing they have taught you?
My dad. He's a ballsy guy, and way more of a man than I could ever hope to be. He taught me that failing isn't anything to be afraid of ... which has come in handy given my dismal moustache.
3. Can you remember a moment when your perception of men’s health changed?
I have a cousin who's two years younger than me who died of cancer. She put off medical appointments and stuff like that. It made me realize that having a finger in my bum is preferable to leaving my kids without a father. So I went out and got a colonoscopy. It wasn't so bad. I got to see my lower intestine, so I got that going for me, which is nice.
4. What are you looking forward to about this Movember?
I have a team this year! It's great to see people kicking off their fundraising already. Makes me happy to see so many people getting involved. We also have our big Movember event Nov 22 at the Phoenix and Mo Bro Adam Garone is coming and we're gonna have a pint.
5. Who owns your all time favourite moustache?
Mark Twain. He embodies all I want to be.

He’s also running an event in the Phoenix Concert Theatre on Saturday, Movember 22nd. Find out more about it here.