Five Questions with Mo Bro Norm:
1. How did you get involved with Movember?
I learned about Movember years ago and simply grew my moustache without doing much outside of that. In 2010, I realized that I felt like I was cheating the system and officially joined the campaign and raised some money that year. I had so much fun with the campaign in 2010 that I decided to start a team with some of my students and colleagues from George Brown College in 2011. At the college I host a Movember contest for the students encouraging participation. By the end of the month, we are able to crown a Mr. & Ms. Movember for both staff and students and acknowledge the team’s highest fundraiser. It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve been hosting the contest every year since.
2. What are your own tips for staying healthy?
Be active every day of your life. Ride a bike, go for a walk, and take the stairs. Keeping active has kept my mind balanced and has allowed me to reduce the stresses of my everyday life. But most importantly, be a kid every now and then. Have fun doing everything.
3. Can you remember a moment when your perception of men’s health changed?
I think my perception of men’s health changed when I first did some research on the Movember Campaign back in 2010. I thought about my father, my brother, friends in my life, and even about myself. Odds are, any one of us is more likely to suffer from an illness than win the lottery. So, why spend money on lottery tickets when I can donate to the Movember campaign and educate myself to stay healthy.
4. Do you have any grooming rituals?
Not really. I can’t really grow a full moustache for one month. But once it’s grown out enough to trim, combing coconut oil into it makes it shiny and soft.
5. Who owns your all time favourite moustache?
Hal Johnson. Not only does he have a sweet ‘stache, but he also keeps fit and has fun.
You can help Mo Bro Norm hit his fundraising targets by donating here! Good work Mo Bro.