October 12th, 2014

Now you can Mo on the go with the 2014

2014 Mobile App now Live

Our Mo Bros and Mo Sistas are busy people, so luckily we’ve got our Movember App to let you stay connected on the go. Download the app to your smartphone or tablet, and you have the full Made in Movember experience in your pocket wherever you go.
Here’s what 2014’s version offers you:
  • Mo Tracker: It is easier than ever to share your Mo progress through photos and videos! Now the Mo Tracker has all new moustache and photo positioning guides, and the option to export visuals of your growing Mo as a movie or as a photo booth filmstrip.
  • Social Sharing: Share your progress with all your social media networks.
  • Style: A Made in Movember style guide to help you and your Mo Bros decide which type of Mo to grow.
  • Health Messaging: Spread the Made in Movember men’s health message with the world by sharing health tip cards.
  • and much more!
Our software is now up to date with your operating systems so use the Mobile Mo to harness the power of your moustache and continue to change the face of men’s health.
To download the Apple version, click here.
To download the Android version, click here.