September 21st, 2014

The marketing Mo's at SapientNitro have made Movember and the moustache a tradition within their office.

Spotlight: SapientNitro

A perennial Movember powerhouse, the marketing Mo's at SapientNitro have made Movember and the moustache a tradition within their office. Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from all levels join forces to get the job done right.

If you're looking for some inspiration from these Mo Bros and Mo Sistas, here are a few examples of things they've done in the past:
  • MOVE events: Being stuck in-doors all day can be a downside to the nine-five life. Getting out and active is just one way to get Mo Bros and Mo Sistas involved. These Mo's organized a skateboard lesson for their team.
  • Office socials: Use the moustache as an excuse to get everyone together for a few casual beverages. This might be a stellar way to brainstorm your campaign to come.
  • Shoot videos: Get your more creative Mo's together to create video content for your internal and external channels. These videos could be use to rally internal support, or show your social followers that you're serious about changing the face of men's health.
  • Photos shoots: Remember the Mo's that were through an end of the month photo shoot.
Becuase of the level of participation, their talent acquisition team now uses their grassroots Movember participation as a showcase for potential recruits to the company.

Great work Mo's!