December 7th, 2013

The videos have been watched, the critics have voted, and now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…The Moscar goes to…

The Moscar Goes to...
More than 300 videos were submitted from 21 countries around the world, all vying for the coveted Moscar award.  The Moscars are a video awards extravaganza celebrating Mo Bros and Mo Sistas’ creativity with a video camera! This year there were three categories for the submissions – Gen Mo, inspired by our 2013 theme; Your Movember Journey,  highlighting what Movember means to our Mo’s, and lastly, the PSA/Television Commercial category, explaining Movember and inspiring people to join the movement.  

A hearty thank you to all that submitted videos – they kept the Movember panel very entertained. The judges were proud to see that all the videos submitted featured what Movember meant to the filmmaker, combining the fun and the serious sides of the movement through music, comedy or drama.

Without further ado, here are your Movember Moscar winners:

Gen Mo
First Place: Movember 2013: Bikers

Runner Up: Movember: Here's to the Crazy Ones

Your Movember Journey
First Place: The Mo Bro's Guide to Small Talk

Runner Up: MOPO 911 Movember Police

PSA/Television Commercial
First Place: What Makes a Legend?

Runner Up: 2013 Moscar PSA

Winners will receive a Movember prize pack with everything they need to keep taking it to the streets!