November 25th, 2012

James MacIntosh is a Mo Bro, General Manager of Energizer Personal Care Canada, and member of the Schick Canada Movember team. 

Mo Bro Spotlight: James MacIntosh

James MacIntosh is a Mo Bro, General Manager of Energizer Personal Care Canada, and member of the Schick Canada Movember team.  He knows the value of getting regular checkups. His father was diagnosed early on with cancer, and would eventually lose his battle, but early detection allowed him to spend more quality time. James recalls his father really supporting the need for people to go to the doctor and get health checkups, cancer screenings, etc. – the exact same message that Movember communicates to men around the world.  It’s all about starting the conversations!
Schick, much like Movember values a sense of humour, willing to be edgy and fun.  In that spirit Schick® Hydro® is starting conversations with Canucks across the country about the knowledge they’ve had passed down at Each piece of advice submitted, liked, or shared will increase Schick®’s Movember donation by $5! Take a look at some of our favourites so far:
“Eat it, don’t Tweet it!”
“Always punch above your weight”
“Never Look at the Puck”
When asked what the best piece of advice James’ father gave to him he said, “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.  Always keep trying in everything, sports, games, life, even if you are losing dreadfully. Character matters and sportsmanship is critical. And with that James keeps his Mo growing all month long with the mission to help start conversations about men’s health!
Check out James and his Mo Space here -