Garrett’s Tribute:
On November 11, 2011 we lost our team Captain, Mr. Garrett Roger Paquette in a tragic ATV accident. Garrett loved life and lived it to the fullest. As a true Canadian, his passions were, but not limited to; the great outdoors, camping, cooking, and sports. As a die-hard Toronto Maple Leaf fan, many of his close friends & family honored him at his celebration of life by wearing Maple Leaf jerseys and proudly sporting Mo’s. Movember was Garrett’s latest cause that he got behind and led the charge on before the accident. He rallied together a group of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas at his workplace, the Royal Bank of Canada in Nanaimo BC, and formed a team called the Nanai-MO RBC Stallions. His motivation was to raise awareness for men’s health. If this meant donating his upper lip to the cause, his hopes were to grow the meanest and ugliest Mo in the city. A brilliant idea, and proven success of Garrett’s was to have a Mo-Jar that people contribute to every time our Moustaches are commented on.
Friends, family, and co-workers have rallied around his ambition to support Movember and donations have been flooding into his Movember page currently at $115,187 and counting. We have raffled off Grey Cup tickets, held a seafood draw, and seen tremendous support even from the Toronto Maple Leaf’s Alumni. Garrett’s father, Roger Paquette, was a driving force behind these efforts and has helped us create a legacy for his son.
Garrett always wanted to do his part in giving back and helping others. His story and support for the Movember has left a lasting impression in many lives. Quoting his wife, Angela Paquette, “He would be so proud to see the support that has gathered around his cause. Garrett was always able to find the good in every situation and turn negative things into positive ones. Even in his passing, his legacy lives on.”
Rest in Peace Mo Bro Garrett, and congratulations on being The Mo Mo.
The Movember Canada Family extends our hearts to the Paquette family, and to the families of all other Mo Bros and Mo Sistas who have been lost during this and other campaigns. May the Mo be with you and thank-you for your continued support. Together we are changing the face of men’s health.