This Land is Mo Land…
Long ago…err.. 2007, Movember arrived in the land of Canada. Moustaches were sparse, even on the faces of Canadian country gentlemen. Gradually and steadily the mighty Movember took over the landscape, and now in 2011, bountiful moustached men are as far as the eye can see, from the Rocky’s to The Rock.
This year many Canadian cities have gone so far as to change their calendars. That’s right, between October and December, where there used to be naughty November, there is now Mighty Movember!
The mayors of the following mo-rvelous cities have officially proclaimed the 11th month of the calendar year Movember:
Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax and Ajax.
In his proclamation of November 2011 shall be Movember 2011, Toronto’s Mayor Ford said “Together with the women who support them, these fine Mo Bros and Mo Sistas start conversations about men’s health, raise much needed funds and dedicate themselves to the appreciation of fine moustachery.” Hear, hear!
To all of these cities, your citizens thank you.
This land is my land, this land is mo land, from Halifax to Vancouver Island…

July 9th, 1971
All across our great nation, mayors of our fair cities and towns are doing something MOmentous, they are officially proclaiming the 11th calendar month Movember.
Hear ye, hear ye - The 11th month shall be known as Movember