For the fifth year in Canada the time is almost upon us where moustaches will pepper our streets in the quest to raise awareness and funds for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer. Men with an appreciation of natural quality and craftsmanship will be roaming proud and free this November, sporting their face grown, hand brushed moustaches for men’s health. Register now to start your journey.
With upper lips beginning to twitch in anticipation around the country (and the world) we wanted to welcome you to 2011 and thank you for showing us some Mo Love. By joining the fight against prostate cancer, you are helping us make a significant impact on the state of men’s health around the world. There are some game changing programs being funding in Canada as a result of the funds raised and the hard work of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas like you. To see Movember funds hard at work, check out the Programs we Fund on the About Movember section of our website -
In spite of progress made to date, here at Movember HQ, we remain aware that there is a significant way to go to change the attitudes and action of men when it comes to their health. We’re looking forward to continuing our journey with you and together changing the face of men’s health forever.
Welcome on board the 2011 Movember train – enjoy the ride and remember to check-in on the Movember news page regularly to keep up to date on all that is happening. You can also keep up with us on Facebook and Twitter @movemberCA.
See you in Season.