First came the amoeba. Then fire, civilisation, democracy, the printing press, the automobile and penicillin. Breaking the sound barrier followed, then the first footsteps on the moon, Facebook and Obama.
Then came the Millionth Mo Bro.
Seven years ago, just thirty men took part in the first month of manliness that is Movember. Sat over drinks in a small northern suburb of Melbourne, Australia - bemoaning the lack of moustaches on men’s faces - the ‘Original 30’ had no idea what they were about to start. In the years since, those gentlemen, and each and every person, group and organisation involved in the movement, has been incredibly humbled and inspired by the overwhelming support and participation. Millions have been raised, and hopefully, global awareness about prostate cancer and depression in men is at an all-time high.
But here we sit, today, collectively passing a milestone to end all milestones.
Today, Movember crowns its millionth registration. Andrew Braskic from Perth, Australia you might just have the most celebrated and famous upper lip on the face of the earth. And, we thought it only right and proper to salute you with a one off trophy and certificate - perfect for the mantlepiece.
Here’s to the pending 2 million mark.