You’ve raised funds, you’ve raised awareness, you’ve been an all-star Mo supporter, and from the bottom of our hairy hearts we thank you. But don’t stop there. This GivingTuesday, December 3rd, we’re aiming to raise $500,000 in a day for men’s health, and we’re calling on you to help us. This is when we dig in and go big. This is Dares for Donations.
Make your friends and family an offer they can’t refuse. Set a target and commit to carrying out a dare on GivingTuesday when you hit it.
Dye your Mo. Lip sync Call Me Maybe and post it on YouTube. Pen a thank you poem for every new donor. Facebook Live yourself belting out We Are the Champions dressed as heavily-moustachioed Freddie Mercury. Run a mile for every dollar you raise in your final fundraising push. Recreate iconic photos of moustachioed legends and reward donors with signed copies. Let your highest fundraiser shave off your moustache. Get creative.
The key is to make yourself an irresistible donation magnet. What will get your friends and family reaching for their wallets? What will get your social media network throwing money at your Mo Space? Swing for the fences and let’s hit a million bucks in a day for men’s health.
Use your social media to broadcast Movember’s million-bucks-in-a-day mission. Set a target. Share your dare using #DaresForDonations. Let everyone know the lengths you’ll go to for men’s health. Commit to doing it on GivingTuesday when you hit your target, and call on your friends and family to help you get there. Capture it all on camera, post it, send it, share it far and wide – show everyone what men’s health means to you. Don’t forget to tag @movember.
And when all is said, dared and done, send a thank you to everyone who helped you get there.
What are you waiting for? Get Mo’ing.

November 25th, 2019
This GivingTuesday (December 3rd), go big for men’s health with Dares for Donations. Can we count on your support?