As the month formerly known as November steadily approaches, teams from across the world are rallying together to grow a moustache to support men’s health. Individuals gather their friends and family, while organizations inspire their colleagues and staff to come together to support the largest men’s health charity in the world, the Movember Foundation.
CIBC is one of these organizations that continuously works to support the health of Canadians across the country. Known for its involvement in women’s health and the CIBC Run for the Cure, which raised $17 million this October for breast cancer research, it’s an organization that puts high value on charitable contributions that benefit millions of Canadians.
What many may not know is that CIBC is also a quiet champion for men’s health, and the #1 Funder of the Movember Foundation across the globe. To date, CIBC has raised over $2.5 million by 4,413 employees organically.
The fundraising initiatives are led by Roman Dubczak, Managing Director and Head of Global Investment Banking, who began fundraising in 1998 as a result of a personal tie to prostate cancer. It’s the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canadian men, and one that takes the lives of approximately 11 Canadian men every day.
“CIBC’s involvement started nearly 10 years ago as a grassroots movement with our employees fundraising and doing their part to help improve men’s health”, says Roman, who has been dubbed internally as the “Mo’ Chairman” of Team CIBC. “Sparking conversations about prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s health as a whole is not always easy to do but needs to be a priority when too many men are dying too young - and unnecessarily.”
This year, CIBC employees once again will head to to register and take action for men’s health. On Movember 1st, some will shave down their faces to set the stage for their brilliant mo’s, others will sacrifice a beard into a moustache. Non-moustache growers may choose to get physically fit for men’s health and set a move challenge, or host or go to a Movember event. However they do it, they’ll be taking action for men’s health and helping create positive to change to ensure men can live longer, healthier, happier lives.

October 29th, 2016
This year, CIBC employees once again will head to to register and take action for men’s health.
No. 1 Fundraising Organization, CIBC Suits Up for Another Month of Moustachery