"If your body is hurting, it’s saying something. Listen to it."Image by: Luke Lutz
5 April 2024

TJ Rogers’ testicular cancer story: Life beyond limitations

2 minutes read time

Back in 2022, professional skateboarder TJ Rogers was skating in California and living the dream, when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer.

TJ credits the diagnosis to his pup, Baby Bella aka. BB. “First and foremost, she saved my life,” TJ says. They were playing on his couch just after he had celebrated his 30th birthday and she kept hitting him in his testicles. Not so surprisingly – it hurt! And the pain didn’t go away. TJ’s girlfriend at the time encouraged him to go get things checked out. 10 days after visiting the doctor, he found out he had testicular cancer.

“I had no idea about testicular cancer, or even the fact that I may get it. I was a healthy athlete, skateboarding, doing my thing. I never thought that cancer was in the books for me, especially at my age.”

After surgery and chemotherapy, TJ has overcome his diagnosis and is back to living it up, skating for Red Bull, and now, sharing his story with Movember.

“Not everyone really picks up on every single thing that their body is trying to tell them. But, if your body is hurting, it’s saying something. Listen to it. My main goal of doing this interview is to raise awareness for every young man out there to really just normalize going to the doctors and getting checked. Don’t be embarrassed. At the end of the day, you’re doing the right thing for yourself. Going to the doctor when I did made the world of a difference for me.”

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men. Get to know what’s normal and what’s not.