Ottawa Senators - NETWORK


Our Motivation

This is the Ottawa Senators 2019 Moustache Cup Fundraising NETWORK. The Moustache Cup is a one of a kind initiative that will see some of your favourite NHL players go head to head in a month long fundraising challenge. The Ottawa Senators 2019 Moustache Cup Captain is Dylan DeMelo and you can join now to help him become the 2019 Moustache Cup Champion. Here is how you get involved:

1. Join the Ottawa Senators fundraising NETWORK (You can also join our fundraising TEAM PAGE, but that is not required for eligibility.)

2. Donate at least $10 to Dylan DeMelo's Mo Space to be eligible

3. If Dylan DeMelo is the top fundraising Moustache Cup Captain AND you are the top individual fundraiser in the Ottawa Senators NETWORK, you will have the opportunity to present him with the 2019 Moustache Cup.

This Challenge's distance total

23.15 km





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