Cross-Canada Hospitality Challenge


Our Motivation

In its 4th year, the Cross-Canada Hospitality Challenge looks to bring together restaurants, bars and their communities for some friendly competition! Grab a beer, get cooking and may the best Mo prevail!
À sa 4e année d’existence, le Défi pancanadien du secteur de l’accueil réunit les restaurants, les bars et leurs communautés dans une concurrence amicale! Prenez une bière, mettez-vous aux chaudrons et que la meilleure Mo l’emporte!





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Previous year's posts
213 Week(s) Ago

Great work everyone! As someone who spent the month recovering from my second surgery (Oct 29th 2020) to remove my stage II seminoma testicular cancer that unfortunately spread to my retroperitoneal lymph nodes, I thank you all for your contributions!

PJ Richards - Gooners Tiki

Previous year's posts
213 Week(s) Ago

Great work everyone! As someone who spent the month recovering from my second surgery (Oct 29th 2020) to remove my stage II seminoma testicular cancer that unfortunately spread to my retroperitoneal lymph nodes, I thank you all for your contributions!

PJ Richards - Gooners Tiki

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.