Aucun membre de 'ALFRED HAIRY MO BROS' n'est revenu pour cette année


$ 0

Objectif: $ 5.000


Publications de l'équipe

Écrire ici votre commentaire

Previous year's posts
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 50
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Ivy Wei
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Ivy Wei
$ 50
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
Riley Benson
$ 80
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
Riley Benson
$ 80
Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 59 semaines

Mid-season moustache report!
Yes, I’ve trimmed it!
No, I will not take hair growth hormones!

Il y a 59 semaines

Mid-season moustache report!
Yes, I’ve trimmed it!
No, I will not take hair growth hormones!

Il y a 61 semaines
Don de:
Chen Carol Liu
$ 50
Il y a 61 semaines
Don de:
Chen Carol Liu
$ 50
Il y a 61 semaines
Don de:
Serpentine Building Solutions Inc.
$ 250

Cheers to the good cause AHC

Il y a 61 semaines
Don de:
Serpentine Building Solutions Inc.
$ 250

Cheers to the good cause AHC

Done! Target is now raised to $5,000
Let's see if the Alfred Hairies can bring up their game a bit here!!! ;)

Done! Target is now raised to $5,000
Let's see if the Alfred Hairies can bring up their game a bit here!!! ;)

Day 3 and we are already passed our goal! Lets bump that target up Steph!

Day 3 and we are already passed our goal! Lets bump that target up Steph!

Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
Dino Sartori
$ 250
Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
Dino Sartori
$ 250
Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
Antonio Sartori
$ 100
Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
Antonio Sartori
$ 100
Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
Roland Chanroux
$ 50

Thank you Steph. A very touching idea on your behalf.
I am taking part this year to support my uncle (Guy) who has been battling prostate cancer for the better part of two years. Although always positive he is unfortunately on the losing end of the battle as of late.

Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
Roland Chanroux
$ 50

Thank you Steph. A very touching idea on your behalf.
I am taking part this year to support my uncle (Guy) who has been battling prostate cancer for the better part of two years. Although always positive he is unfortunately on the losing end of the battle as of late.

Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
john paone
$ 500
Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
john paone
$ 500
L'équipe n'a pas encore inscrit d'activité Move. Encouragez les membres de l'équipe à sortir faire respirer leur moustache.
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.