Aucun membre de 'The FFPE facial accessories' n'est revenu pour cette année

The FFPE facial accessories

$ 0


These moustaches will inhibit way more than PARP! ... at least that's what our partners have said.

Hey all you genetics fanatics out there, put down your pipettes and your coverslips and peep these sweet staches.

Publications de l'équipe

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 62 semaines

With this final post, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated. And a special thank you to our family and our coworkers who maintained eye contact, carried on normal conversation and only made fun of us a few times despite how great we looked. Thank you one and all!

Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 62 semaines

With this final post, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated. And a special thank you to our family and our coworkers who maintained eye contact, carried on normal conversation and only made fun of us a few times despite how great we looked. Thank you one and all!

Il y a 62 semaines

This man is solid gold. He stuck with the team until a tragic trimming accident. Here he is in all his moustachioed majesty!

Il y a 62 semaines

This man is solid gold. He stuck with the team until a tragic trimming accident. Here he is in all his moustachioed majesty!

Il y a 62 semaines

Here we are facial hair faithful. We've come to the last update. Our mascot didn't disappoint!

Il y a 62 semaines

Here we are facial hair faithful. We've come to the last update. Our mascot didn't disappoint!

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
Barry McTavish
$ 50
Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
Barry McTavish
$ 50
Il y a 63 semaines
Don de:
Robyn Mulvena
$ 20
Il y a 63 semaines
Don de:
Robyn Mulvena
$ 20
Il y a 63 semaines
Don de:
Keith Matwiy
$ 50
Il y a 63 semaines
Don de:
Keith Matwiy
$ 50
Il y a 63 semaines
Don de:
Tammy Dyck
$ 50
Il y a 63 semaines
Don de:
Tammy Dyck
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Susan Burgess
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Susan Burgess
$ 50
Il y a 65 semaines

Here I am in week two trying to pass off my insecurities as good hearted humour.

Il y a 65 semaines

Here I am in week two trying to pass off my insecurities as good hearted humour.

Il y a 65 semaines

He doesn't know it yet, but he's our mascot. This is week two.

Il y a 65 semaines

He doesn't know it yet, but he's our mascot. This is week two.

Il y a 65 semaines

This distinguished gentleman is looking dapper at the half way point!

Il y a 65 semaines

This distinguished gentleman is looking dapper at the half way point!

Il y a 65 semaines

Here's a week two pic! Lookin' good!

Il y a 65 semaines

Here's a week two pic! Lookin' good!

Il y a 65 semaines
Don de:
Griffin J
$ 30
Il y a 65 semaines
Don de:
Griffin J
$ 30
Il y a 65 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 50
Il y a 65 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 50
Il y a 66 semaines

I cheated, I'm calling this progress from week one but I took this photo on Monday morning.

Il y a 66 semaines

I cheated, I'm calling this progress from week one but I took this photo on Monday morning.

Il y a 66 semaines

Week one progress lookin good!

Il y a 66 semaines

Week one progress lookin good!

Il y a 66 semaines

Week one progress!

Il y a 66 semaines

Week one progress!

Il y a 66 semaines

Here's week one progress.

Il y a 66 semaines

Here's week one progress.

Il y a 66 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 50
Il y a 66 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 50
L'équipe n'a pas encore inscrit d'activité Move. Encouragez les membres de l'équipe à sortir faire respirer leur moustache.
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.