Aucun membre de 'Welland Professional Firefighters' n'est revenu pour cette année

Welland Professional Firefighters

$ 0

Somme recueillie l'an dernier : $ 1.165

Studies show that firefighters are 2X as likely to be diagnosed with testicular cancer, 1.5X as likely with prostate cancer, are diagnosed with mental illnesses such as depression and PTSD at rates as high as 10X that of the general population, and that close to 30% have had suicidal thoughts. We're growing some dirty mustaches to raise money for research into cures, breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness, and to ultimately reduce these numbers as low as possible.

Publications de l'équipe

Écrire ici votre commentaire

Previous year's posts
Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
Matt Richardson
$ 100
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
Matt Richardson
$ 100
Il y a 15 semaines
Don de:
Arnold Mackler
$ 50

Good luck.

Il y a 15 semaines
Don de:
Arnold Mackler
$ 50

Good luck.

Il y a 70 semaines
Don de:
$ 15
Il y a 70 semaines
Don de:
$ 15
Il y a 70 semaines
Don de:
Matt Wilson
$ 50
Il y a 70 semaines
Don de:
Matt Wilson
$ 50
Il y a 119 semaines
Don de:
Tieghan Walton
$ 50
Il y a 119 semaines
Don de:
Tieghan Walton
$ 50
Il y a 119 semaines
Don de:
Welland Professional Firefighters Association
$ 500

Welland Professional Firefighters Association Local 481

Il y a 119 semaines
Don de:
Welland Professional Firefighters Association
$ 500

Welland Professional Firefighters Association Local 481

Il y a 120 semaines
Don de:
Derek David
$ 50
Il y a 120 semaines
Don de:
Derek David
$ 50
Il y a 120 semaines
Don de:
$ 75
Il y a 120 semaines
Don de:
$ 75
Il y a 121 semaines
Don de:
Burt Lamoureux
$ 50
Il y a 121 semaines
Don de:
Burt Lamoureux
$ 50
Il y a 121 semaines
Don de:
Matthew Richardson
$ 250
Il y a 121 semaines
Don de:
Matthew Richardson
$ 250
Il y a 171 semaines
Don de:
Zavcor Training Academy
$ 150
Il y a 171 semaines
Don de:
Zavcor Training Academy
$ 150
Il y a 172 semaines
Don de:
Linda Belan
$ 50

Great cause. Proud of our Welland firefighters!

Il y a 172 semaines
Don de:
Linda Belan
$ 50

Great cause. Proud of our Welland firefighters!

Il y a 172 semaines
Don de:
Harry Johnson
$ 50
Il y a 172 semaines
Don de:
Harry Johnson
$ 50
Il y a 173 semaines
Don de:
Henry Labenski
$ 25
Il y a 173 semaines
Don de:
Henry Labenski
$ 25
Il y a 175 semaines
Don de:
Adam Eckhart
$ 50

Great cause, keep up the good work!

Il y a 175 semaines
Don de:
Adam Eckhart
$ 50

Great cause, keep up the good work!

Il y a 223 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 100
Il y a 223 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 100
Il y a 223 semaines
Don de:
Kyle Lehan
$ 194
Il y a 223 semaines
Don de:
Kyle Lehan
$ 194
Il y a 224 semaines
Don de:
Lakeshore Eye Care Clinic
$ 100


Il y a 224 semaines
Don de:
Lakeshore Eye Care Clinic
$ 100


Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 224 semaines

I know I'm late to the team and haven't participated the last few years due to my some kids being afraid of it. Now they just hate it on me. But I want to teach them it's for a good cause. Please help me raise some funds for men's health.

Il y a 224 semaines

I know I'm late to the team and haven't participated the last few years due to my some kids being afraid of it. Now they just hate it on me. But I want to teach them it's for a good cause. Please help me raise some funds for men's health.

Il y a 225 semaines
Don de:
Adam Kundrat
$ 50
Il y a 225 semaines
Don de:
Adam Kundrat
$ 50
Il y a 225 semaines
Don de:
$ 50

Yeah baby

L'équipe n'a pas encore inscrit d'activité Move. Encouragez les membres de l'équipe à sortir faire respirer leur moustache.
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.