Aucun membre de 'HANDLEBAR HOCKEY' n'est revenu pour cette année

Handlebar Hockey

$ 0

Objectif: $ 30.000

To change the face of men's health. We strive to bring awareness around the challenges, physically, mentally and emotionally, that men and youth face and help them find the strength and courage to embrace those challenges and inspire them to be better for their self, their family and friends, and within the Fort McMurray community. Together, we can stop men dying too young.

Team Feed

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 102 semaines
Allan Vinni: J'ai marché 60 km12:00:00

Just going to keep working on bettering my health by walking 60 kilometeres

Événements de l'année précédente
Il y a 102 semaines
Allan Vinni: J'ai marché 60 km12:00:00

Just going to keep working on bettering my health by walking 60 kilometeres

Il y a 250 semaines
Don de:
Ryan Lowe
$ 250
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 250 semaines
Don de:
Ryan Lowe
$ 250
Il y a 250 semaines
Don de:
Dawn Poirier
$ 50
Il y a 250 semaines
Don de:
Dawn Poirier
$ 50
Il y a 250 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 8.000
Il y a 250 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 8.000
Il y a 250 semaines
Don de:
Jake Lewis
$ 50
Il y a 250 semaines
Don de:
Jake Lewis
$ 50
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Kim Mitchell
$ 100
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Kim Mitchell
$ 100
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Donna Popovich
$ 100
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Donna Popovich
$ 100
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Thomasine Antoniali
$ 100
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Thomasine Antoniali
$ 100
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Clinton Philpott
$ 20
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Clinton Philpott
$ 20
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Rick Gregg
$ 50
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Rick Gregg
$ 50
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Amanda Wood
$ 20
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Amanda Wood
$ 20
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Aaron Swier
$ 250
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Aaron Swier
$ 250
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Jane Bowers
$ 100

Morrison Strong!

Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Jane Bowers
$ 100

Morrison Strong!

Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Sarah Callan
$ 50
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
Sarah Callan
$ 50
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
SDI Marketing
$ 600
Il y a 251 semaines
Don de:
SDI Marketing
$ 600
Il y a 252 semaines
Don de:
Canadian Western Contracting Inc
$ 500
Il y a 252 semaines
Don de:
Canadian Western Contracting Inc
$ 500
Il y a 253 semaines
Don de:
Stephen Holland
$ 100
Il y a 253 semaines
Don de:
Stephen Holland
$ 100
Il y a 253 semaines
Don de:
Evan Pedersen
$ 100
Il y a 253 semaines
Don de:
Evan Pedersen
$ 100
Il y a 253 semaines
Don de:
Gail McDonnell
$ 25
Il y a 253 semaines
Don de:
Gail McDonnell
$ 25
Il y a 253 semaines
Don de:
Heather Pelley
$ 50
Il y a 253 semaines
Don de:
Heather Pelley
$ 50
Il y a 255 semaines
Don de:
Diane Kelly
$ 50
Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 305 semaines

First time Movember guy please give generously!

Il y a 306 semaines
Clinton Bretecher: J'ai marché 2 km02:00:00


Il y a 355 semaines
Clinton Bretecher: HOCKEY! 100 km23:59:00

I have no idea how far I skated over 24 hours. Safe to say it felt like 100 kms so good enough for me.

Il y a 357 semaines
Clinton Bretecher: J'ai fait du vélo 17 km01:00:00

Hood up, head down. 9-days-to-go-cardio.

Il y a 358 semaines

I will be participating in this years 24 hour handlebar hockey game to raise awareness for men’s and boys health. If anyone is able to help support this great cause any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for the support.

Il y a 358 semaines
Trevor Black: J'ai fait du vélo 42 km01:07:00

Il y a 358 semaines

Lip sweater.

Il y a 358 semaines

Riding the bike is easy when hockey is on! Feel like I'm in the game!

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.