Search results: International
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Last weekend at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, the Movember Foundation hosted an international meeting to kick start a world’s first clinical trial that will examine the effectiveness of exercise as a medicine against prostate cancer progression.
Last weekend at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, the Movember Foundation hosted an international meeting to kick start a world’s first clinical trial that will examine the effectiveness of exercise as a medicine against prostate cancer progression.
Last weekend at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, the Movember Foundation hosted an international meeting to kick start a world’s first clinical trial that will examine the effectiveness of exercise as a medicine against prostate cancer progression.
Last weekend at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, the Movember Foundation hosted an international meeting to kick start a world’s first clinical trial that will examine the effectiveness of exercise as a medicine against prostate cancer progression.
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26 Pages
Als goed doel actief in vele landen moet Movember zich houden aan een breed pakket van regels en bestuurlijke verplichtingen. Wij nemen deze zeer serieus en streven de hoogste niveaus van transparantie, verantwoordelijkheid en bestuur na. Deze verplichtingen zijn de verantwoordelijkheid van een ieder bij Movember, van de directie tot specialistencomités, van de leidinggevenden tot elke medewerker.
Movevember wordt geleid door een Bestuur. Dat legt verantwoording af aan de Movember-community. Dit om ervoor te zorgen dat Movember voldoet aan de hoogste eisen wat betreft prestatie
Als goed doel actief in vele landen moet Movember zich houden aan breed pakket van regels en bestuurlijke verplichtingen. Wij nemen deze zeer serieus en streven de hoogste niveaus van transparantie, afrekenbaarheid en bestuur na. Deze verplichtingen zijn de verantwoordelijkheid van een ieder bij Movember, van de directie tot specialistencomités, van de leidinggevenden tot elke medewerker.
Movevember wordt geleid door een Bestuur. Dat legt verantwoording af aan de Movember-community. Dit om ervoor te zorgen dat Movember voldoet aan de hoogste eisen wat betreft prestaties, bestuu
As a charity operating in many countries, Movember is required to comply with a range of regulatory and governance obligations. We take these obligations very seriously and are committed to best practice levels of transparency, accountability and governance. These obligations are the responsibility of everyone at Movember, from the Board of Directors to specialty committees, to the leadership team to every staff member.
Movember is governed by a Board, which is accountable to the Movember community and the general public to ensure that Movember maintains the highest standards of
As a charity operating in many countries, Movember is required to comply with a range of regulatory and governance obligations. We take these obligations very seriously and are committed to best practice levels of transparency, accountability and governance. These obligations are the responsibility of everyone at Movember, from the Board of Directors to specialty committees, to the leadership team to every staff member.
Movember is governed by a Board, which is accountable to the Movember community and the general public to ensure that Movember maintains the highest standards of