Aucun membre de 'Four Over Forty' n'est revenu pour cette année

Four Over Forty

$ 0

Somme recueillie l'an dernier : $ 4.110

4 guys, helping our fellow Bros because it matters.

Publications de l'équipe

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Kevin Ernst
$ 390

Way to go team!

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Kevin Ernst
$ 390

Way to go team!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Paul Schlatman
$ 390
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Paul Schlatman
$ 390
Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Jabe Virtucio
$ 50

Great job Kevin and team!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Jabe Virtucio
$ 50

Great job Kevin and team!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Heidi Heaver
$ 50
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Heidi Heaver
$ 50
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Alps Welding Ltd.
$ 50
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Alps Welding Ltd.
$ 50
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Brian McGowan
$ 100

Great work Kevin.

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Brian McGowan
$ 100

Great work Kevin.

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Edwin Saraccini
$ 100

I love this. My wife and I will play it as we set up our Christmas tree this weekend! Merry Christmas!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Edwin Saraccini
$ 100

I love this. My wife and I will play it as we set up our Christmas tree this weekend! Merry Christmas!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Jack Mantyla
$ 20

Kevin and crew,
Hope my small donation helps a little!
Wish I could join you.
-Jack Mantyla

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Jack Mantyla
$ 20

Kevin and crew,
Hope my small donation helps a little!
Wish I could join you.
-Jack Mantyla

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Chad Brownlee
$ 100
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Chad Brownlee
$ 100
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Dan Davidson
$ 50
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Dan Davidson
$ 50
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Lauro Pilla
$ 50
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Lauro Pilla
$ 50
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Maggie & Gerry Richards
$ 25

Happy to support this worthy cause!!

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Maggie & Gerry Richards
$ 25

Happy to support this worthy cause!!

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Polished Concrete 1 Inc.
$ 100

Bring the house down boys!

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Polished Concrete 1 Inc.
$ 100

Bring the house down boys!

Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Alpha Logics Inc.
$ 50
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Alpha Logics Inc.
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Oakville Stamping & Bending Ltd. (OS&B)
$ 500
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Oakville Stamping & Bending Ltd. (OS&B)
$ 500
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
David Bryce
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
David Bryce
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Simon Smith
$ 100

Keep up the great work. Regards Simon

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Simon Smith
$ 100

Keep up the great work. Regards Simon

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Sean Noonan
$ 100

You guys sound great. A worthy donation.
Kevin, If you ever need a croaking frog in the background, I`m your guy.

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Sean Noonan
$ 100

You guys sound great. A worthy donation.
Kevin, If you ever need a croaking frog in the background, I`m your guy.

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Elizabeth Hartnett
$ 50

Dear Four Over Forty,

I’m happy to donate to your fundraising effort in support of men’s health.

Liz Hartnett

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Elizabeth Hartnett
$ 50

Dear Four Over Forty,

I’m happy to donate to your fundraising effort in support of men’s health.

Liz Hartnett

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Stacey Stahlmann
$ 50

Hi Uncle Paul - thankyou for fundraising for an important cause.

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Stacey Stahlmann
$ 50

Hi Uncle Paul - thankyou for fundraising for an important cause.

L'équipe n'a pas encore inscrit d'activité Move. Encouragez les membres de l'équipe à sortir faire respirer leur moustache.
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.