Aucun membre de 'GMP (Good Mustache Practices)' n'est revenu pour cette année

GMP (Good Mustache Practices)

$ 0

Objectif: $ 5.000
Somme recueillie l'an dernier : $ 3.675

We want to be open and honest about men's health issues, live longer and healthier lives, so we can be the best husbands, dad's, brothers, and friends to the people we care most about.

Publications de l'équipe

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Publications de l'année précédente

Hello Friends and Colleagues,

First, I want to thank everyone for their generous donations to our team and for helping us to reach our fundraising goal of >$5K this year. Your support has been amazing and very much appreciated.

Second, I want to thank the incredible guys on this team for growing out their moustaches and beards for the cause - David Montesano, Justin Chan, Jerry Moraldo, Arhyel Christopher, Parth Mehta, Kwayne Nelson, Amir Mahdi, Keyur Patel and Mohamed Chan. Mr. Chan, we are in awe of your fundraising prowess!

Kind Regards and Our Sincere Thanks,

Mo Bro Kane Braganza

Previous year's posts

Hello Friends and Colleagues,

First, I want to thank everyone for their generous donations to our team and for helping us to reach our fundraising goal of >$5K this year. Your support has been amazing and very much appreciated.

Second, I want to thank the incredible guys on this team for growing out their moustaches and beards for the cause - David Montesano, Justin Chan, Jerry Moraldo, Arhyel Christopher, Parth Mehta, Kwayne Nelson, Amir Mahdi, Keyur Patel and Mohamed Chan. Mr. Chan, we are in awe of your fundraising prowess!

Kind Regards and Our Sincere Thanks,

Mo Bro Kane Braganza

Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
George Posso
$ 50
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
George Posso
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Robin Kummer
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Robin Kummer
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Paul Gill
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Paul Gill
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Justin Chan
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Justin Chan
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Navid Ghamami
$ 50
Il y a 64 semaines
Don de:
Navid Ghamami
$ 50
L'équipe n'a pas encore inscrit d'activité Move. Encouragez les membres de l'équipe à sortir faire respirer leur moustache.
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.