Kelowna Rockets WHL
Kelowna Rockets

$ 0

Somme recueillie l'an dernier : $ 10.861

Changer la face de la santé masculine

Publications de l'équipe

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Curtis Bell
$ 100

Good job Brent and team!

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Curtis Bell
$ 100

Good job Brent and team!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Curtis Cousins
$ 100
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Curtis Cousins
$ 100
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Lee Hamilton
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Lee Hamilton
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
John Walsh
$ 100

Good stuff...hope you will accept a donation from a 40+ year Saskatoon Blade season ticket holder...

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
John Walsh
$ 100

Good stuff...hope you will accept a donation from a 40+ year Saskatoon Blade season ticket holder...

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
brian Scanlan
$ 100
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
brian Scanlan
$ 100
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Brian simpson holding co ltd
$ 100
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Brian simpson holding co ltd
$ 100
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Greg Sternig
$ 100

Great cause....hope you have some laughs along the way!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Greg Sternig
$ 100

Great cause....hope you have some laughs along the way!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Heidi and Brent Hamilton
$ 1.000

This stuff matters, a lot. Thank you very much to all the players, coaches and management who are 'growing a mo' this month.

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Heidi and Brent Hamilton
$ 1.000

This stuff matters, a lot. Thank you very much to all the players, coaches and management who are 'growing a mo' this month.

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Carole Sutherland
$ 100

Can’t wait to see Jake Pilon’s moustache!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Carole Sutherland
$ 100

Can’t wait to see Jake Pilon’s moustache!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Tim and Rosalie Carroll
$ 50

Hoping Jake Pilon grows one that would make ZZ Top proud!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Tim and Rosalie Carroll
$ 50

Hoping Jake Pilon grows one that would make ZZ Top proud!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Hartage Sidhu
$ 20
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Hartage Sidhu
$ 20
L'équipe n'a pas encore inscrit d'activité Move. Encouragez les membres de l'équipe à sortir faire respirer leur moustache.
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.