Aucun membre de 'Lamborghini Vancouver' n'est revenu pour cette année

Lamborghini Vancouver

$ 350

Objectif: $ 10.000

Changer la face de la santé masculine

Publications de l'équipe

Écrire ici votre commentaire

Previous year's posts
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Ryan Sangha
$ 250
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Ryan Sangha
$ 250
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Michael Hwang
$ 100
Il y a 11 semaines
Don de:
Michael Hwang
$ 100
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 110
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 110
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 35
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 35
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
Nathan Kowalski
$ 100
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
Nathan Kowalski
$ 100
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
Regenwald leasing
$ 420

Thank you for the beers Michael and Victor

Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
Regenwald leasing
$ 420

Thank you for the beers Michael and Victor

Il y a 60 semaines
Don de:
Jerry Kroll
$ 100

Good work you guys!

Il y a 60 semaines
Don de:
Jerry Kroll
$ 100

Good work you guys!

Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 100

I can't grow a moustache but I can donate to a go cause!

Il y a 62 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 100

I can't grow a moustache but I can donate to a go cause!

Il y a 112 semaines
Don de:
zachary chine
$ 300
Il y a 112 semaines
Don de:
zachary chine
$ 300
Il y a 112 semaines
Don de:
Jeremy Schaab
$ 300
Il y a 112 semaines
Don de:
Jeremy Schaab
$ 300
Il y a 114 semaines
Don de:
Jas Gill
$ 100
Il y a 114 semaines
Don de:
Jas Gill
$ 100
Il y a 115 semaines
Don de:
Augmented Racing
$ 250

Augmented Racing

Il y a 115 semaines
Don de:
Augmented Racing
$ 250

Augmented Racing

Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 164 semaines

The final set of headshots! We are all fulfilled and fetching and cannot thank our kind friends and loved ones for their generosity and support. You all kept us going and growing, and comfortably surpass our goal of $5,000! All funds will going to great causes to hep our fellow bros live happier and healthier lives. All that is left for us now is the Shave Off on December 2nd.

Il y a 164 semaines

The final set of headshots! We are all fulfilled and fetching and cannot thank our kind friends and loved ones for their generosity and support. You all kept us going and growing, and comfortably surpass our goal of $5,000! All funds will going to great causes to hep our fellow bros live happier and healthier lives. All that is left for us now is the Shave Off on December 2nd.

Il y a 165 semaines

Across the board, everyone's mos are definitely more noticeable. Not long to go now, thank you again to all of our donors for their generosity and ongoing support, and massive shoutout to Patrick for the stellar fundraising!

Il y a 165 semaines

Across the board, everyone's mos are definitely more noticeable. Not long to go now, thank you again to all of our donors for their generosity and ongoing support, and massive shoutout to Patrick for the stellar fundraising!

Il y a 166 semaines
Don de:
Jerry Kroll
$ 100

Another hundred if Patrick shaves his head.....

Il y a 166 semaines
Don de:
Jerry Kroll
$ 100

Another hundred if Patrick shaves his head.....

Il y a 166 semaines

~Halfway there! Some are feeling itchy, some have fully regrown from their baseline, but everyone is looking sharp. Thank you so much to our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of $5,000! We are greatly looking forward to how the remainder of the month plays out.

Il y a 166 semaines

~Halfway there! Some are feeling itchy, some have fully regrown from their baseline, but everyone is looking sharp. Thank you so much to our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of $5,000! We are greatly looking forward to how the remainder of the month plays out.

Il y a 166 semaines

~1-week of progress. Big shoutout to Patrick and his donors for their efforts and generosity! A few more weeks to go, greatly looking forward to seeing everyone get progressively more striking.

Il y a 166 semaines

~1-week of progress. Big shoutout to Patrick and his donors for their efforts and generosity! A few more weeks to go, greatly looking forward to seeing everyone get progressively more striking.

L'équipe n'a pas encore inscrit d'activité Move. Encouragez les membres de l'équipe à sortir faire respirer leur moustache.
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.