Aucun membre de 'MIKE'S MO SQUAD' n'est revenu pour cette année


$ 0

Objectif: $ 5.000
Somme recueillie l'an dernier : $ 13.165

Prioritizing mental and physical health is key to a fulfilling and balanced life. Your support can make a profound difference, helping us raise awareness and funds for vital men's health programs that promote men's overall well-being. Please join us in this important mission by donating and joining our team!


Publications de l'équipe

Écrire ici votre commentaire

Previous year's posts
Il y a 8 semaines
Don de:
Lindsay Cox
$ 100

Impressive fund raising! Tom Czarnota

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 8 semaines
Don de:
Lindsay Cox
$ 100

Impressive fund raising! Tom Czarnota

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Mark Firth
$ 25

In support of Liam Burns and the mini mo squad - keep up the great work!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Mark Firth
$ 25

In support of Liam Burns and the mini mo squad - keep up the great work!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Carol Anne & Scott Lindsay
$ 100

Wow! Congratulations on the success of your Movember campaign! Way to go Carter!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
Carol Anne & Scott Lindsay
$ 100

Wow! Congratulations on the success of your Movember campaign! Way to go Carter!

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
$ 500

Great Cause Christian.

Il y a 9 semaines
Don de:
$ 500

Great Cause Christian.

Événements de l'année précédente
Il y a 10 semaines
Carter Owen-Speelziek: J'ai couru 3 km00:15:00

Il y a 10 semaines
Carter Owen-Speelziek: J'ai couru 3 km00:15:00

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Nick Di Lorenzo
$ 500

From RDG Nonno

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Nick Di Lorenzo
$ 500

From RDG Nonno

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Chao Hsun (Sean) Wang
$ 250

From Sean. Your mentor in summer!!!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Chao Hsun (Sean) Wang
$ 250

From Sean. Your mentor in summer!!!

Il y a 10 semaines
Carter Owen-Speelziek: J'ai couru 3 km00:15:00

Il y a 10 semaines
Carter Owen-Speelziek: J'ai couru 3 km00:15:00

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
$ 250
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
$ 250
Il y a 10 semaines
Carter Owen-Speelziek: J'ai couru 10 km01:00:00

Il y a 10 semaines
Carter Owen-Speelziek: J'ai couru 10 km01:00:00

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 25
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 25
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Georgie MacDonald
$ 10


Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Georgie MacDonald
$ 10


Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Sam Gilday
$ 5
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Sam Gilday
$ 5
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Josh Speelziek
$ 1.000

Keep up the good work raising money for men’s mental health!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Josh Speelziek
$ 1.000

Keep up the good work raising money for men’s mental health!

Il y a 164 semaines
Don de:
Mina Pallotta
$ 25
Il y a 164 semaines
Don de:
Mina Pallotta
$ 25
Il y a 164 semaines
Don de:
$ 55
Il y a 164 semaines
Don de:
$ 55
Il y a 165 semaines
Don de:
Brandon Sobel
$ 50
Il y a 165 semaines
Don de:
Brandon Sobel
$ 50
Il y a 165 semaines
Don de:
Shawn Elliott
$ 25
Il y a 165 semaines
Don de:
Shawn Elliott
$ 25
Il y a 267 semaines
Don de:
Central Montessori School
$ 100

Way to go Carter. Everyone at CMS is so proud of you!

Il y a 267 semaines
Don de:
Central Montessori School
$ 100

Way to go Carter. Everyone at CMS is so proud of you!

Il y a 270 semaines
Don de:
Andrew Heron
$ 250
Il y a 270 semaines
Don de:
Andrew Heron
$ 250
Il y a 271 semaines
Don de:
Marco Damato
$ 25
Il y a 319 semaines
Don de:
Marco Rossi
$ 100
Il y a 323 semaines
Don de:
Peter Anagnostopoulos
$ 25

Thanks Carter from the Anagnostopoulos family. Keep up the good cause!

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.