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Previous year's posts
Il y a 121 semaines
Graham Gauthier:
J'ai couru 5.5 km00:31:00
My moustache is a shadow of its future self... but I took him out for a little run anyway
Événements de l'année précédente
Il y a 121 semaines
Graham Gauthier:
J'ai couru 5.5 km00:31:00
My moustache is a shadow of its future self... but I took him out for a little run anyway
Oops. .. I've slacked a bit on the record pics this week. Let's catch up - here's an artful rendition of Slim Whitman and his slim moustache for Mov. 12th
I'm all for a light dusting of early Movember snow... but I wasn't really planning to get out at 6:30 this morning to dig the snow blower out of the back of the shed to get it started & working. Good thing I had my moustache & my little assistant to help get the job done.
I admit it's a bit early to break out the Christmas records... but with all the snow in the air I couldn't resist Old Burl... the most awesomely mustachioed narrating snow man in Christmas Town.
I was under the weather for a week or so and took a break from running... now I'm running under an extreme winter weather warning. I might have to start making up some km on skis