Mike Stiles
18  année  Mo Bro

$ 270

Objectif: $ 1.000
collecté $ 10.963 depuis 2006
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Men's health
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

My motivation this year is to raise awareness and some $$ for cancer research!

People Doing Good Things
Capitaine d'équipe Mike Stiles
$ 390 Dons recueillis par l'équipe
Vos activités

Laisser un message à Mike

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Donald Ricci
$ 250

Great perseverance, Mike!!

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Donald Ricci
$ 250

Great perseverance, Mike!!

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 20
Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 20
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 56 semaines
Don de:
Rob Dorran
$ 65

Way to go and sorry I took so long to donate! Good on you for doing this 17 years straight! Men's health both physically and mentally is important. Way to Mo!

Previous year's posts
Il y a 56 semaines
Don de:
Rob Dorran
$ 65

Way to go and sorry I took so long to donate! Good on you for doing this 17 years straight! Men's health both physically and mentally is important. Way to Mo!

Il y a 56 semaines
Don de:
Robert and Carol-Anne Stiles
$ 50
Il y a 56 semaines
Don de:
Robert and Carol-Anne Stiles
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Dan Mark
$ 30


Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Dan Mark
$ 30


Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 30
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 30
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
Donald Ricci
$ 100
Il y a 59 semaines
Don de:
Donald Ricci
$ 100
Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
Alexander Aleksandrov
$ 50
Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
Alexander Aleksandrov
$ 50
Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
Alexander Aleksandrov
$ 50
Il y a 212 semaines
Don de:
Alexander Aleksandrov
$ 50
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
robert stiles
$ 130
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
robert stiles
$ 130
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Dawn Muncaster
$ 50

Such a good cause ... one day I hope very soon a cure will be found .
Love the picture !

Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Dawn Muncaster
$ 50

Such a good cause ... one day I hope very soon a cure will be found .
Love the picture !

Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Donald Ricci
$ 250
Il y a 213 semaines
Don de:
Donald Ricci
$ 250
Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Tony Allen
$ 20

Nice stash Mike. Looks like preparations for your RCMP interview are going well.

Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
Tony Allen
$ 20

Nice stash Mike. Looks like preparations for your RCMP interview are going well.

Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
trevor rutten
$ 50

Thanks! What time is it?

Il y a 215 semaines
Don de:
trevor rutten
$ 50

Thanks! What time is it?

Il y a 263 semaines
Don de:
Paul and Proznick
$ 25

Mike - well done on leading this charge!

Il y a 263 semaines
Don de:
Paul and Proznick
$ 25

Mike - well done on leading this charge!

Il y a 264 semaines
Don de:
Sarah McLean
$ 50
Il y a 264 semaines
Don de:
Sarah McLean
$ 50
Il y a 265 semaines
Don de:
Robert Stiles
$ 100
Il y a 265 semaines
Don de:
Robert Stiles
$ 100
Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.