Sean Miskimins
3  année  Mo Bro

$ 0

collecté $ 790 depuis 2012
Ma motivation

I want to make a diiference in men's health as cancer has been a big part of my family. It's my opportunity to give back and hopefully make a difference.

Southern Georgian Bay Firefighters
Capitaine d'équipe Samantha Barnett
$ 0 Dons recueillis par l'équipe
Vos activités

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 40 semaines

Let the Celebration Begin! We're thrilled to announce the triumphant finale of our 2023 Movember campaign – and oh, what a ride it's been! The Great Canadian Fire Challenge blazed its way to success, setting the fundraising bar ablaze with an incredible $558,133! A round of applause and cheers to the Southern Georgian Bay Firefighters, our Challenge champions, and a standing ovation for the outstanding Samantha Barnett, our top fundraiser! A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for being the driving force behind bringing Movember to life. Your dedication is more than just admirable; it's a beacon of hope for men's health. With your unwavering support, we're not just breaking ground; we're lighting up the path to reach more men and save more lives. Dive into the final standings below – it's a celebration worth remembering! Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy, laughter, and the warmth of your well-deserved success. United We Mo!

Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 40 semaines

Let the Celebration Begin! We're thrilled to announce the triumphant finale of our 2023 Movember campaign – and oh, what a ride it's been! The Great Canadian Fire Challenge blazed its way to success, setting the fundraising bar ablaze with an incredible $558,133! A round of applause and cheers to the Southern Georgian Bay Firefighters, our Challenge champions, and a standing ovation for the outstanding Samantha Barnett, our top fundraiser! A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for being the driving force behind bringing Movember to life. Your dedication is more than just admirable; it's a beacon of hope for men's health. With your unwavering support, we're not just breaking ground; we're lighting up the path to reach more men and save more lives. Dive into the final standings below – it's a celebration worth remembering! Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy, laughter, and the warmth of your well-deserved success. United We Mo!

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 41 semaines

Thank-you for your commitment and support.

We've now arrived at Movember 30 and everyone in this challenge should pause for a moment to reflect on an amazing job done, what can only be described as an epic 'stache and an impressive commitment to help change the face of men's health.

As Mo season is coming to a close, I want to flag that the leaderboards will officially close on Thursday, December 7th at 5 pm EST, marking the moment we crown our 2023 Movember champions of each challenge. While donations can still be received after this time, please note that they won't contribute to the leaderboard race.

Thanks for all you have done this year and will continue to do as we move forward.

United We Mo!!!

Il y a 41 semaines

Thank-you for your commitment and support.

We've now arrived at Movember 30 and everyone in this challenge should pause for a moment to reflect on an amazing job done, what can only be described as an epic 'stache and an impressive commitment to help change the face of men's health.

As Mo season is coming to a close, I want to flag that the leaderboards will officially close on Thursday, December 7th at 5 pm EST, marking the moment we crown our 2023 Movember champions of each challenge. While donations can still be received after this time, please note that they won't contribute to the leaderboard race.

Thanks for all you have done this year and will continue to do as we move forward.

United We Mo!!!

Il y a 42 semaines
Don de:
Sean Miskimins
$ 50

On behalf of Gill Shepherd

Il y a 42 semaines
Don de:
Sean Miskimins
$ 50

On behalf of Gill Shepherd

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.