Tyler Cowan
13  année  Mo Bro

$ 0

Objectif: $ 1.000
collecté $ 13.514 depuis 2012
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Men's health
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

With far too many friends and family affected by cancer and poor mental health, I'm continuing my crusade to help tackle some of the biggest health issues facing men today—by providing funding in the areas it's needed most. Together, we’ve raised nearly $12,500 these past 12 years; with your support, I hope to raise the bar even higher for 2024!

Why do I Mo?

I Mo for the family and friends that I’ve lost. I Mo for those around me who are/and have been affected. I Mo because 1 in 7 Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer—and testicular cancer will claim the lives of 1 in 20. I Mo in solidarity with those currently suffering from mental illness; anxiety; depression. I Mo because I can.

It’s November 1st, which means that I (and many others) will begin our ritualistic, 30 day crusade in the hope of raising awareness—and vital funds—for a cause that is very near to my heart.

Whether your life has been touched by cancer, mental health, or suicide—please join me in empowering those currently fighting, those walking alongside their affected loved ones, and the medical professionals working tirelessly to treat—and CURE—those afflicted.

It’s up to all of us to make a difference. Let’s help get things started.

Please join me at http://mobro.co/tylercowan to make a donation right now.

0 of 60 kilometres
Vos activités

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Lisa Danziger
$ 30

So great to see you doing this every year , keep up the good fundraising work you are doing!

Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Lisa Danziger
$ 30

So great to see you doing this every year , keep up the good fundraising work you are doing!

Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 100
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 100
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Caitlin Bailey
$ 50
Il y a 10 semaines
Don de:
Caitlin Bailey
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Steph Hawkins
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Steph Hawkins
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
John Meiklejohn
$ 50

We are always happy to support our favourite Fireman

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
John Meiklejohn
$ 50

We are always happy to support our favourite Fireman

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Nadia Maarouf
$ 30

Thank you, Tyler!

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Nadia Maarouf
$ 30

Thank you, Tyler!

Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Laura Dosky
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Laura Dosky
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Ben Hobbes
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
Ben Hobbes
$ 50
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 30
Il y a 12 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 30
Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Deborah and Rick Cowan
$ 50

Way to go, Tyler! We're proud of you!

Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Deborah and Rick Cowan
$ 50

Way to go, Tyler! We're proud of you!

Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Pringles Canada
$ 25

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Pringles Canada
$ 25

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Chris Cottick
$ 25
Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Chris Cottick
$ 25
Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Steph McLaren
$ 20
Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Steph McLaren
$ 20
Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Kerry Ann Budnick
$ 20

The stash is looking great Ty!

Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Kerry Ann Budnick
$ 20

The stash is looking great Ty!

Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Black Helmet Consulting
$ 50

Great cause. Happy to be a part of it!

Il y a 13 semaines
Don de:
Black Helmet Consulting
$ 50

Great cause. Happy to be a part of it!

Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
John Meiklejohn
$ 50

Well done Ty, this is such a good cause.

Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
John Meiklejohn
$ 50

Well done Ty, this is such a good cause.

Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
David Whillans
$ 30
Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
David Whillans
$ 30
Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
Aldo Ventresca
$ 25

You rock dude! Keep it going!

Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
Aldo Ventresca
$ 25

You rock dude! Keep it going!

Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
Heather and Rick Simmons-Smith
$ 100
Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
Heather and Rick Simmons-Smith
$ 100
Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
Marge DeBoice
$ 100

Bravo, Tyler, on your new venture! Proud of you!

Il y a 14 semaines
Don de:
Marge DeBoice
$ 100

Bravo, Tyler, on your new venture! Proud of you!

Événements de l'année précédente
Il y a 60 semaines
J'ai marché 4.09 km00:48:46

Il y a 60 semaines
J'ai marché 3.97 km00:39:33

Il y a 61 semaines
J'ai couru 6.24 km00:57:57

Il y a 61 semaines
Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 01:07:37

Il y a 62 semaines
J'ai marché 13.74 km02:06:26

Il y a 62 semaines
Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 00:50:49

Il y a 62 semaines
J'ai couru 6.19 km01:03:07

Il y a 62 semaines
J'ai couru 3.25 km00:20:04

Il y a 62 semaines
J'ai couru 2.78 km00:17:20

Il y a 62 semaines
J'ai couru 5.27 km00:30:47

Il y a 62 semaines
J'ai couru 10.02 km00:56:48

Il y a 63 semaines
Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 00:44:06

Il y a 63 semaines
J'ai couru 5.03 km00:55:24

Il y a 63 semaines
Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 01:00:44

Il y a 63 semaines
Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 01:06:10

Il y a 63 semaines
J'ai couru 3.26 km00:18:35

Il y a 63 semaines
J'ai marché 2.5 km00:33:15

Il y a 63 semaines
Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 00:55:57

Il y a 63 semaines
J'ai couru 4.28 km00:22:56

Il y a 64 semaines
J'ai couru 5.09 km00:50:09

Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 168 semaines

Wow! Your response to the wallet giveaway has been incredible! $1210 raised so for this year, and $9673 of my 10 year, $10000 goal in the can... Thank you so much for your generous support. If you're interested in learning more about how you can obtain one of these rewards in exchange for a donation of your own, please check out my instagram posts on @thetylercowan, and @pathfinderleather.co!

Il y a 218 semaines

Such an honour to participate in Movember's "In The Barber Chair" project this year: you can check out the article at the link here! https://ca.movember.com/story/tylercowan

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.