Dave Spindler
2  année  Mo Bro
platinum club

$ 10.724

Objectif: $ 1.000
collecté $ 13.849 depuis 2023
Ma motivation

I'm growing because I have countless men in my life that I love and care about deeply, and I want to encourage them to take care of themselves and each other, have tough conversations about their physical and mental health, and redefine masculinity to help build stronger and healthier communities for everyone.

The Lip Sweater Getters
Capitaine d'équipe Leah Wilson
$ 24.142 Dons recueillis par l'équipe
Vos activités

Laisser un message à Dave

Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Rob Spindler
$ 100
Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Rob Spindler
$ 100
Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Paul Spindler
$ 50

Linsmore Cover Caroline & Paul

Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Paul Spindler
$ 50

Linsmore Cover Caroline & Paul

Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
J Von
$ 30

Love this guy, love this cause, love his mo. Keep up the great work brother!

Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
J Von
$ 30

Love this guy, love this cause, love his mo. Keep up the great work brother!

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.