Colin Bate
4  année  Mo Bro
Organiser un événement

$ 0

Objectif: $ 1.000
collecté $ 3.430 depuis 2020
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Prostate cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

Through the course of 2020, my father was diagnosed with, treated for, and beat prostate cancer. However, not everyone is so lucky as to beat it. So for this Movember I'm hosting some events to help raise money and awareness for this, and men's health in general. As a man with three brothers and two sons, this is a very relevant concern for me. As it should be for you.

Bate Bros
Capitaine d'équipe Jim Bate
$ 0 Dons recueillis par l'équipe
Vos activités

Laisser un message à Colin

Previous year's posts
Il y a 33 semaines
Don de:
Ian Watkinson
$ 30
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 33 semaines
Don de:
Ian Watkinson
$ 30
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Jessica Wagner
$ 30
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Jessica Wagner
$ 30
Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 34 semaines

I'd like to thank everyone for supporting my Movember campaign this year. It means a lot.

Il y a 34 semaines

I'd like to thank everyone for supporting my Movember campaign this year. It means a lot.

Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Christine Brittain
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Christine Brittain
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 40
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 40
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Dan Rossouw
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Dan Rossouw
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 30
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 30
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Dimitri Stevens
$ 30
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Dimitri Stevens
$ 30
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
john frias
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
john frias
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Ken Chow
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Ken Chow
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Siobhan Rose
$ 50

Well done!

Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Siobhan Rose
$ 50

Well done!

Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Valerian Ratu
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Valerian Ratu
$ 50
Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Jim Bate
$ 65

Keep up the good work.

Il y a 34 semaines
Don de:
Jim Bate
$ 65

Keep up the good work.

Il y a 35 semaines
Don de:
Rachel Millinger
$ 50
Il y a 35 semaines
Don de:
Rachel Millinger
$ 50
Il y a 35 semaines
Don de:
Veloci Raptor
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30
Il y a 35 semaines
Don de:
Veloci Raptor
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30
Il y a 35 semaines
Don de:
Mo Sian
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30

Great work Colin!

Il y a 35 semaines
Don de:
Mo Sian
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30

Great work Colin!

Il y a 35 semaines
Don de:
Suchismita Paul
pour Playing With Fire
$ 50
Il y a 35 semaines
Don de:
Suchismita Paul
pour Playing With Fire
$ 50
Il y a 36 semaines
Don de:
Jose Nunes
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30

Let's Go Colin! :)

Il y a 36 semaines
Don de:
Jose Nunes
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30

Let's Go Colin! :)

Il y a 36 semaines
Don de:
Peter Bate
pour Playing With Fire
$ 50
Il y a 36 semaines
Don de:
Peter Bate
pour Playing With Fire
$ 50
Il y a 36 semaines
Don de:
Adam Lindsey
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30
Il y a 36 semaines
Don de:
Adam Lindsey
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30
Il y a 36 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
pour Playing With Fire
$ 30

Hope this helps! From Canyon and Oatmeal

Il y a 87 semaines

(3 of 3) I'm not complaining or looking for sympathy or pity, but I am explaining and looking for support. Support for a good cause. A cause that doesn't need a patchy mustache to deserve our attention. My salt and paprika beard and mustache will have to suffice. So join me for a real adventure of helping out.

Oh, and if you don't think a D&D one-shot is for you, to quote someone who played for the first time this year, "it is just a bunch of people hanging out and playing make-believe." Come believe with us. It doesn't need to be limited to November.

Il y a 87 semaines

(2 of 3) You may have seen my event, the D&D One-shot. And if you are not one of the fifteen amazing people to get a chance to participate this year, you may not fully understand what goes into making this event happen. This isn't *just* a bunch of people hanging out virtually and playing a game. I had been working on this for a couple of months. Creating a storyline and plot for an adventure, creating maps, designing encounters, and breathing life into over twenty supporting characters. Oh, and building a website to provide info and assist with scheduling. It was well over 100 hours, not including the total of ~15 hours playing the games.

Il y a 87 semaines

(1 of 3) I wanted to write a bit about my Movember efforts this year. I did not, as in the past two years, shave my beard and grow just a mustache this month. I technically have a mustache, but I'm not sure that gets me any points in that category. I'm not sitting idle, however. Quite the opposite. Starting in September, I was working on my Movember efforts, even getting an email from the team asking me what I was up to creating an event so far in advance.

Il y a 141 semaines

One third of the way into the month. Mustache is starting to show some proper definition. Hopefully smooth sailing from here.

Il y a 142 semaines

Ok here we go again. Beard shaved. One-shot charity game organized. Things are looking good.

Il y a 190 semaines

Well, as promised, here is the purple mustache. Not quite as vibrant as it could be I suppose, but definitely purple.

Il y a 193 semaines

Well I made it to $200. Maybe I should have set the bar a bit higher, as I’ll now need another gimmick to entice more people.

And I even went out and bought some purple dye. Hopefully it will work on the amount of mustache I have at the end. 30% of the way there now!

Il y a 194 semaines

The start of some definition. Now to just get through this early dirty phase. :D

Il y a 194 semaines

Well, this is happening. I shaved off my beard for the first time in over six years. It is so sensitive, making wearing a mask a whole new sensation. I also realized that for the most part no one will be able to see my “mo” when I’m out in public. Not really a problem, but yet another facet of our new reality. Here is to a great Movember both to my team and for the world at large.

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.