Seb Thomsen
4  année  Mo Bro

$ 0

collecté $ 480 depuis 2020
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Men's health
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

Thank you for checking out my Mo-space!

Please help me support the cause for improving Men's Health.
Too many men die young because of health problems and especially because of mental health problems. Help raise awareness and also start the conversation on supporting men and everyone else.
Men, generally speaking, struggle to reach out and ask for help due to societal conditioning and for being shamed when being vulnerable. Let's change what is considered to be true strength and allow men to be more open, honest and empathetic.
Helping to change societal expectations of Men and raising awareness also opens the doors for more equality and support to other groups by Men who have been shown love vs hate.

Teck Coal - IO
Capitaine d'équipe Chris Teske
$ 0 Dons recueillis par l'équipe
0 of 60 kilometres
Vos activités

Laisser un message à Seb

Previous year's posts
Dons de l'année précédente
Il y a 102 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 100
Il y a 102 semaines
Don de:
un donateur anonyme
$ 100
Il y a 199 semaines
Don de:
Zhouqing Li-Thomsen
$ 50

My dear Seb, just saw your great initiative!! Belated but hopefully it still works!

Il y a 199 semaines
Don de:
Zhouqing Li-Thomsen
$ 50

My dear Seb, just saw your great initiative!! Belated but hopefully it still works!

Il y a 204 semaines
Don de:
Jeff Rayman
$ 40
Il y a 204 semaines
Don de:
Jeff Rayman
$ 40
Il y a 204 semaines
Don de:
Jay Bry
$ 20

Sweet duster!

Il y a 204 semaines
Don de:
Jay Bry
$ 20

Sweet duster!

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.