Daniel Coutts
5  année  Mo Bro

$ 250

Objectif: $ 250
collecté $ 12.755 depuis 2020
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Mental health and suicide prevention

Every year, 4,000 people die by suicide in Canada — 75% of which are men.

On November 23rd 2022 and February 15th, 2023, I nearly became part of that statistic. My second attempt involved an overdose of my prescribed medications. This impulsive decision was an attempt to end the daily pain I had felt for months prior.

I’ve been diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Depression, three illnesses which significantly interfere with my thinking patterns and make it difficult to regulate my emotions. This has caused me to self harm many times, landing me in the hospital. I truly wouldn’t wish these diagnoses on my worst enemy.

Going back a year, this trifecta controlled my life to the fullest extent. I couldn’t leave my apartment and had to take a semester off school due to the constant and unrelenting intrusive thoughts. It was living hell. Fast-forward to today and I’m once again able to fully engage in life thanks to months of hard work in therapy, and unconditional support from my parents, brother, girlfriend, and closest friends.

This Movember, I'm aiming to fundraise $2,500 for those men who don’t have support and can’t find their voice. My team, The Lazy Razors, has set a goal of $5,000. By 2030, the Movember Foundation strives to reduce the rate of men's suicide by 25% and I really want to help them get there. Help me break the stigma and stop men from dying too young.

Canada Suicide Prevention Service: 1-833-456-4566

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

The Lazy Razors
Capitaine d'équipe Daniel Coutts
$ 650 Dons recueillis par l'équipe
0 of 60 kilometres
Vos activités

Laisser un message à Daniel

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Paul Stulac
$ 150

Great cause, keep up the good work!

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Paul Stulac
$ 150

Great cause, keep up the good work!

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
lindsey bruce
$ 50

thank you so much for being so brave to share your story. sending you a warm hug x

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
lindsey bruce
$ 50

thank you so much for being so brave to share your story. sending you a warm hug x

Il y a 7 semaines
Don de:
Daria Olynyk
$ 50

Heartfelt thanks to you for your courage and strength in posting and sharing your journey and messages which we hope inspires and gives hope to others. Hugs of encouragement for you and for your incredible supportive networks.

Il y a 7 semaines
Don de:
Daria Olynyk
$ 50

Heartfelt thanks to you for your courage and strength in posting and sharing your journey and messages which we hope inspires and gives hope to others. Hugs of encouragement for you and for your incredible supportive networks.

Dons de l'année précédente
Previous year's posts
Il y a 54 semaines
Don de:
Royal York Road United Church
$ 100

Your Royal York Road United Church family is very proud and supportive of you!

Il y a 54 semaines
Don de:
Royal York Road United Church
$ 100

Your Royal York Road United Church family is very proud and supportive of you!

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Peter Myshkevich
$ 100

Dear Daniel. I am donating $100 to help this vitally important cause. I just saw your story through a Facebook post from D.O., a friend of mine and yours. The isolation room you were in was so cruel and inhumane. That is no way to help a person in distress. I hope you are doing better, and will continue to good health. Much love, Peter.

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Peter Myshkevich
$ 100

Dear Daniel. I am donating $100 to help this vitally important cause. I just saw your story through a Facebook post from D.O., a friend of mine and yours. The isolation room you were in was so cruel and inhumane. That is no way to help a person in distress. I hope you are doing better, and will continue to good health. Much love, Peter.

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Daria Olynyk
$ 50

Thinking of you Daniel. Keep working on making the changes that are needed to support those who need personal intervention and not being locked into a windowless room. You are on the right path! Try to stay strong but give yourself the room to slip back if you need to - it's OK.

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Daria Olynyk
$ 50

Thinking of you Daniel. Keep working on making the changes that are needed to support those who need personal intervention and not being locked into a windowless room. You are on the right path! Try to stay strong but give yourself the room to slip back if you need to - it's OK.

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Sheryl Macdonald
$ 50

Very moving video, Daniel. I wish you and your family well!

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Sheryl Macdonald
$ 50

Very moving video, Daniel. I wish you and your family well!

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Paul Stulac
$ 150

Great job Daniel! Such an important cause.

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Paul Stulac
$ 150

Great job Daniel! Such an important cause.

Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Aaron Burlacoff
$ 50
Il y a 55 semaines
Don de:
Aaron Burlacoff
$ 50
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Sharon & Mark Coutts
$ 100
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Sharon & Mark Coutts
$ 100
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Barbara Howey
$ 120
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Barbara Howey
$ 120
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Margie and Kevin Smith
$ 50
Il y a 57 semaines
Don de:
Margie and Kevin Smith
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Shukria Yusuf
$ 15
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Shukria Yusuf
$ 15
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
$ 50

all of our love and support!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
$ 50

all of our love and support!

Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Karen & Martin Dockrill
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Karen & Martin Dockrill
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Catherine Bruce
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Catherine Bruce
$ 50
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Joanne Menendez
$ 100
Il y a 58 semaines
Don de:
Joanne Menendez
$ 100
Événements de l'année précédente
Il y a 162 semaines
J'ai couru 6.2 km00:38:00

A perfect day for a 6.2 km run! Only 40 km left to go!

Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 163 semaines

Il y a 163 semaines

5km down, 55 to go!

Il y a 215 semaines

First run: ✅

12 km down, 48 to go!

Il y a 215 semaines

Mental health affects millions of individuals and families every day. #Movember is aiming to reduce the rate of male suicide by 25% by 2030. Let's work together to help open up the conversation and stop men from dying too young.

Il y a 215 semaines

All Clean-Shaven for #Movember. Not the smoothest shave but hey -- I haven't done it in 2 years!

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.