Paul Panabaker
15  année  Mo Bro
platinum club

$ 4.030

collecté $ 77.533 depuis 2010
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour la cause inclut notamment:
Men's health

Promote Men's Health awareness in memory of my father Bob Panabaker who died 2 weeks after his 60th birthday of prostate cancer. Together with our DFK International friends worldwide we hope to make a difference.

Davis Martindale - Accountants with Personality
Capitaine d'équipe Paul Panabaker
$ 9.008 Dons recueillis par l'équipe
Vos activités

Laisser un message à Paul

Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Jon Schiedel
$ 50

Thanks for your work with this cause.

Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Jon Schiedel
$ 50

Thanks for your work with this cause.

Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Diane Cooper
$ 50
Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Diane Cooper
$ 50
Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
William Neill
$ 100
Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
William Neill
$ 100
Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Herald Krimmer
$ 500

Keep up the great work in fundraising for Men's Health Paul!

Il y a 3 semaines
Don de:
Herald Krimmer
$ 500

Keep up the great work in fundraising for Men's Health Paul!

Il y a 4 semaines
Don de:
K Hilker
$ 50
Il y a 4 semaines
Don de:
K Hilker
$ 50
Il y a 4 semaines
Don de:
Jennifer Cairns
$ 200
Il y a 4 semaines
Don de:
Jennifer Cairns
$ 200
Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Glen Stephenson
$ 50

Hi Paul - I hope you are doing well.
Take care

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Glen Stephenson
$ 50

Hi Paul - I hope you are doing well.
Take care

Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Graeme and Linda Tindale
$ 50
Il y a 5 semaines
Don de:
Graeme and Linda Tindale
$ 50
Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Paul Cooper
$ 50

Happy to support the cause Paul. Glad to hear that you were able to come out on the "good side" with your health issues.


Paul and David

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Paul Cooper
$ 50

Happy to support the cause Paul. Glad to hear that you were able to come out on the "good side" with your health issues.


Paul and David

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Marilynne McNeil
$ 100

Glad to hear that things are good with you.

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Marilynne McNeil
$ 100

Glad to hear that things are good with you.

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Gord McDiarmid
$ 50

Good to hear that things worked out.

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Gord McDiarmid
$ 50

Good to hear that things worked out.

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Robert Neill
$ 50

Congratulations Paul on your continued success on raising funds and awareness for Movember.

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Robert Neill
$ 50

Congratulations Paul on your continued success on raising funds and awareness for Movember.

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Wendy Lau
$ 50

Keep championing the importance of health!

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Wendy Lau
$ 50

Keep championing the importance of health!

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Chris Miniotas
$ 100
Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Chris Miniotas
$ 100
Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Cindy Gillen
$ 50
Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Cindy Gillen
$ 50
Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Jane Engels
$ 100

Happy to donate Paul.

Il y a 6 semaines
Don de:
Jane Engels
$ 100

Happy to donate Paul.

Publications de l'année précédente
Il y a 270 semaines

Don't forget to post pictures of your team and your Mo' activities on social media!

Make sure to use the hashtag #DFKMovember2019

Il y a 270 semaines

We are getting ready to Mo!

Can't wait to see the teams join our challenge!

Nota : Comme les dons peuvent être privés, seuls les dons publics apparaissent dans votre Espace Mo.